WWW-VL History 网上虚拟历史图书馆。
General History Resources on the Internet 纽约大学历史系主办。
History Online-History Sources 链接了一些历史学站点。
History and Historiography 链接史学站点和史学书目。
UT International Network Information Systems Texas大学国际信息系统。包括亚洲、拉丁美洲、中东、俄罗斯和东欧四个网络信息中心,搜集相关的地区研究网站。
Web Sites Of Interest to Historians 历史学家感兴趣的站点。
The History Net 一个内容丰富的历史主题网站。
HyperHistory Online 在线超文本历史。链接了大量有关历史人物、事件、地图等方面的站点。形式活泼,雅俗共赏。
HISTORY CHANNEL 历史频道,一个以历史为主题的电视频道的网络版。
■历史学>世界史>史前史 |
The Paleolithic Diet Page What the Hunter/Gatherers Ate
The Neolithic Mosaic on the North European Plain A paper by Peter Bogucki, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University.
The Development of Western Civilization I - World History I - Prehistory
The Old World Archaeology Newsletter (OWAN) is published three times a year by the Department of Classical Studies at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459-0146, USA.
中国世界古代史研究网 由陈德正博士建立维护。 有学术组织、网文选粹、学界信息、资料索引、学者风采、 教参资料、古史论坛、论著选刊、大家访谈、考研信息、论著评介、原创空间等栏目。
The Ancient World Web 一个世界古代史网站。
Exploring Ancient World Cultures An introduction to Ancient World Cultures on the World-Wide-Web.
ARACHNION A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web。
Ancient/Classical History with N.S. Gill Your Guide to One of Over 700 Sites.
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Ancient History Bulletin The Ancient History Bulletin was founded by W. Heckel, B. Lavelle, and J. Vanderspoel; the first issue, vol. 1.1, appeared in 1987. The Ancient History Bulletin provides a forum for scholarly discussion in Ancient History and in the ancillary fields of Epigraphy, Papyrology and Numismatics, from the Near East to Late Antiquity.
EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents From Western Europe The links connect to Western European (mainly primary) historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated.
Worldwide Email Directory of Anthropologists
The Columbus Navigation Homepage Examining the History, Navigation, and Landfall of Christopher Columbus
1492: AN ONGOING VOYAGE: an Exhibit of the Library of Congress, Washington, DC 1492. Columbus. The date and the name provoke many questions related to the linking of very different parts of the world, the Western Hemisphere and the Mediterranean. What was life like in those areas before 1492? What spurred European expansion? How did European, African and American peoples react to each other? What were some of the immediate results of these contacts? 1492: AN ONGOING VOYAGE addresses such questions by examining the rich mixture of societies coexisting in five areas of this hemisphere before European arrival. It then surveys the polyglot Mediterranean world at a dynamic turning point in its development.
Eighteenth-Century Studies This collection archives works of the eighteenth century from the perspectives of literary and cultural studies. Novels, plays, memoirs, treatises and poems of the period are kept here (in some cases, influential texts from before 1700 or after 1800 as well), along with modern criticism.
Nineteenth Century Studies Nineteenth Century Studies Association主办的跨学科刊物。
Dieciocho Dieciocho is a journal dedicated to what we call the "Hispanic Enlightenment," that is, to eighteenth-century studies in Spain and Latin America. In our pages you will find articles in English or Spanish about the literature, history, art and thought of those two areas. In addition, you will find reviews of the latest books, current bibliography and notices of upcoming events and publications.
Journal of World-systems Research 《世界体系研究》杂志。
Modern European History A Research Guide:European history is a primary subject of the General Research Division and constitutes a significant portion of its holdings. The collection is extensive in all types of historical materials, including monographs, scholarly journals, bibliographies, annual surveys, pamphlets, general histories and systematic works, printed archival sources, and biographies. Geographically, the General Research Division holdings span the European continent from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean basin, and from Great Britain to Central and Eastern Europe.
Modern History - A Soviet Viewpoint:Modern History: Textbook for the Ninth Form by A. V. Efimov Published by Prosveshcheniye, 1965 Translated from the Russian by V. Travlinsky . Many years ago my friend Robert Wible was stationed in India with the United States Information Agency. He returned to the U.S. with a textbook "Modern History" which was had been published in the Soviet Union. Translated into English, the book was being used in Indian schools.
Churchill Archives Centre: home to the papers of Sir Winston Churchill and to over 400 collections of personal papers and archives documenting the history of the Churchill era and after.
THE TOKYO WAR CRIMES TRIALS: MAY 3, 1946 to NOVEMBER 12, 1948 All Japanese Class A war criminals were tried by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) in Tokyo. The prosecution team was made up of justices from eleven Allied nations: Australia, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The Tokyo trial lasted two and a half years, from May 1946 to November 1948. Other war criminals were tried in the respective victim countries. War crime trials were held at ten different locations in China.
The Journal of Modern History Electronic Edition
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ("the USHMM") freely provides the information contained on this website to our website visitors. Although the USHMM makes every reasonable effort to provide accurate information, the USHMM cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of the information contained on this website or on any other website with which it is linked. The USHMM therefore disclaims responsibility for any errors in the information provided, and the USHMM urges all visitors to this website to take their own steps to obtain independent verification of the information provided. In addition, the USHMM disclaims all warranties, including the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, in regard to the information provided on this website.
Useful Websites for Teaching and Research in U.S. History 由Wang Xi整理提供,包括有关美国史研究的综合网站、专题研究、电子文本下载等。
American and British History Resources on the Internet
The American Historical Review 美国历史评论,美国历史学会主办。
Selected U.S. History Resources on the Web Those looking for U.S. history sites on the Web are fortunate that there are some excellent subject-based directories.
New American Studies Web Pilot Version The new version is a topical database of over 2,000 web-based resources in American Studies.
National Archives and Records Administration of USA
The Early America Review A Journal of Fact and Opinion On the People, Issues and Events Of 18th Century America.
The Mayflower Web Page 关于“五月花号”。
Diplomatic History Resources Index This page lists those sites with webmasters who have been kind enough to include a link to the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index.
Index of Civil War Information available on the Internet 关于美国南北战争。
German Studies Trails on the Internet:Andreas Lixl, Professor of German at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA). Listed here are some of the most useful interdisciplinary German resources on the World Wide Web. These literature and culture trails are designed for everyone who likes to explore the Internet as a virtual language laboratory or engage in research and study projects, including Germanistik and literary theory or online museums. Younger readers can connect to children's pages on the KinderWeb, others can join German Chatrooms, and work through German Web Exercises on various levels of proficiency, or look for multimedia Teaching Tools and Software links. Visit our UNCG Multimedia Language Center for popular culture laboratory links and resources, including the MIT list of Real Audio links to Central European Radio Stations.
Italian History The resources pertain to the history of Italy and are organized by historical era.
Irish History on the Web provides a unique resource for anyone interested in learning about or researching a wide variety of Irish history topics. Like a sourcebook, most of the links found here will lead to primary documents, original essays, bibliographies or specific informational sites, all of which are visited prior to inclusion on this site.
Sí, Spain promotes free exchange of information on Spanish current affairs and its historical, linguistic and cultural development, has begun its third phase through the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. German, French and Spanish versions will progressively follow.
REESWeb: Russian and East European Studies Internet Resources:The REESWeb is a comprehensive index of electronic resources on the Balkans, the Baltic states, the Caucusus, Central Asia, Central Europe, the CIS, Eastern Europe, the NIS, the Russian Federation, and the former Soviet Union. Submissions are always welcome. The REESWeb is sponsored by the Center for Russian and East European Studies of the University of Pittsburgh, a National Resource Center for Russian and East European Studies.
Soviet Archives Exhibit This Library of Congress Soviet Archives exhibition is important for what it represents, what it contains, and what it suggests. It represents a new Russia, willing and anxious under its first democratically elected president, Boris Yeltsin, to affirm the core democratic value of open access to information. Shortly after defeating the attempted coup of August 1991, a group from the victorious democratic resistance led by the chief archivist of Russia, Rudolph Pikhoia, took over the previously top secret archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and began the process of both consolidating democratic control over all archives in Russia and attempting to make them available for the first time for public study.
A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine
The WWW Virtual Library: Latin American Studies
National Archives of Australia
National Centre for Australia Studies:The Centre aims to promote excellence in the teaching and research of Australian studies by offering innovative postgraduate courses, developing resources for undergraduate teaching, maintaining relevant databases, and undertaking a vigorous research program. The Centre promotes an understanding of Australian society in local, domestic and international communities. In its teaching and research, the Centre draws particularly on history, geography, visual arts and literature, and is also developing ties with Asian studies, cultural studies, education, sociology, law and environmental science.
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies by The University of Texas at Austin.
国学 一个以国学为主题的大型网站,正在制作大批典籍的电子全文上网,并介绍多种有关国学汉学的刊物,此外还有专题论坛、学术动态等。
中国历史网 陕西省文物局、陕西省文物考古工程协会、西北大学、陕西师范大学、陕西历史博物馆/陕西省考古研究所等单位支持创办的一个历史综合网站,有学术动态、文物考古、文史资料等内容。
象牙塔 中国社会科学院历史所陈爽博士的个人主页,有个人的研究成果及相关链接,其“国史论坛”颇有特色。
国史网 北京大学中国古代史研究中心网站,栏目有中心概况、成员简介、科研项目、国史探研、学术动态、史信息、国史论坛、咨询服务、研究生园地等。
历史在线 一个神秘的历史系学生(?)的个人站点。
史海泛舟 一个历史专业毕业的中学教师的个人网站,内容饶有趣味。
史学连线 (BIG5)台湾中研院史语所研究人员创办的史学专业网站,分类细,链接站点十分丰富。
网路世界的珍藏文献资源 (BIG5)台湾“国家图书馆”搜集的网络学术站点,按研究机构、学者专家、研究主题分类。
台湾“国家图书馆” (BIG5)链接了众多台湾各研究系统的“资讯网”。
Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution in China —— 中国史前学研究。美国加州中国史前学研究中心主办。
“北京人” 关注北京人头骨下落。
董作宾百年冥诞展 (BIG5)
金文 (BIG5)
汉代墓葬与文化 (BIG5)
Silkroad Foundation 丝绸之路基金会的网页。
唐研究 唐研究基金会网站, 有基金会介绍、《唐研究》杂志、研究动态、学术信息、学者资料库、唐代文库、唐代画廊等内容。
IDP Interactive Web Database ——国际敦煌工程数据库。国际敦煌学项目的一部分,对敦煌遗书原件进行扫描,并加以详细注释。
DunHuang Grottoes 敦煌莫高窟。
神游大唐 (BIG5)
画说宋朝 (BIG5)关于两宋绘画。
宋代常见舰船 (BIG5)图文并茂。
从货币看拜占庭帝国和中国的往来 为纪念著名考古学家夏鼐先生而作,关于这方面的进一步研究。
明清社会经济史参考书目 (BIG5)由台湾学者徐泓、邱澎生提供。
China History: Qing Dynasty ——清史。图书馆理事会( Council on East Asian Libraries)主办,分书目文献、总论、西方的入侵、1911年民国革命四部分。
■历史学>中国史>近代史 |
History: Republic of China 1912-1949 —— 中华民国史。东亚图书馆理事会(Council on East Asian Libraries)主办。
五四运动 (BIG5)
NANKING 1937 纪念南京大屠杀60周年。普林斯顿大学主办。
The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs 南京大屠杀历史图片。
Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War 抗日战争史实维护会,设于美国。
Unit 731: a half century of denial 日军侵华731部队罪证。
The Annals of the Flying Tigers 抗战时期陈纳德和他的飞虎队。
History: People's Republic of China —— 人民中国。美国东亚图书馆理事会(Council on East Asian Libraries)主办。分为书目文献、人民、合作化和 社会主义改造、朝鲜战争、大跃进、国民经济恢复时期、文化大革命、民主运动、现代化等部分,并提供各部分相关链接。
Online Center of the Cultural Revolution Studies ——"文革"在线研究中心 。这是由美国匹兹堡大学(University. of Pittsburgh)牵头、俄亥俄州立大学(State University of Ohio)、 印第安那大学(University of Indiana )共同参与的关于"文革"的研究项目。 内容分为如下几部分:"文 革"中的异端思想、关于"文革"的官方统计数字、"文革"专题文献、"文革"访谈录、"文革"中的重要事件、纪念死难者、东亚图书馆"文革"藏品、互联网相关网址链接。
Picturing Power: Posters of the Cultural Revolution 文革大字报。
Chinese Propaganda Posters——中国宣传画。 荷兰莱顿大学Stefan Landsberger创建。收集中国大陆自1949年以来出版的各种宣 传画1000余种,辟有中国 宣传画在线展、专题书目及相关网址链接等。
The Chairman Smiles.Posters from the former Soviet Union, Cuba and China ——主席的微笑。 荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际社会主义历史研究所(International Institute of Social History)创办。通过 对前苏联、古巴和中国三个社会主义国家特定历史时期出版的各种宣传画的研究,研究社会主义历史。
Chinese Pop Posters (Olivier Laude, Atlas Magazine, Winter 1996) —— 中国大众宣传画。由美国Atlas Magazine杂志编辑 Olivier Laude 创建。
历史人物 --- 介绍了管仲、庄子、范增、张良、曹操、曹植等。
中国历史名人 ---包括孙武、屈原、孔子、孟子、墨子、秦始皇、蔡伦、华佗、曹操、李世民、成吉思汗、慈禧太后、孙中山、周恩来等。
Research Tools for Chinese Studies---收录人名传记辞典、索引、年谱等,另有华人传记数据库可供检索。
苏东坡 (BIG5)
Mao Tse-tung Internet Library 毛泽东网络图书馆。上有毛泽东著作电子全文,及相关资源。
The Maoist Documentation Project 一个有关国际共产主义运动和毛泽东思想的网站。
Mao Tse-tung Reference Archive 毛泽东著作电子文献。
Chairman Mao badges 毛主席像章。
DENG XIAOPING 一个关于邓小平的网站。
李敖的个人主页 (BIG5)
中州名人 --- 介绍河南古今名人。
历史人物 --- 介绍了管仲、庄子、范增、张良、曹操、曹植等。
中国历史名人 ---包括孙武、屈原、孔子、孟子、墨子、秦始皇、蔡伦、华佗、曹操、李世民、成吉思汗、慈禧太后、孙中山、周恩来等。
Research Tools for Chinese Studies---收录人名传记辞典、索引、年谱等,另有华人传记数据库可供检索。
苏东坡 (BIG5)
Mao Tse-tung Internet Library 毛泽东网络图书馆。上有毛泽东著作电子全文,及相关资源。
The Maoist Documentation Project 一个有关国际共产主义运动和毛泽东思想的网站。
Mao Tse-tung Reference Archive 毛泽东著作电子文献。
Chairman Mao badges 毛主席像章。
DENG XIAOPING 一个关于邓小平的网站。
李敖的个人主页 (BIG5)
中州名人 --- 介绍河南古今名人。
浦东华夏社会发展研究院 其中辟有“著名社会科学家”、“社科电子系列杂志”、“学术交流”等栏目。
History Departments around the World 可方便地检索世界各大学的历史系。
茂陵博物馆 馆中现存马踏匈奴等16件石刻。
Classical Chinese Furniture ——中国古典家具。
The Forbidden City ——关于紫禁城的建筑史。
NGA-Chinese Procelains(English)---中国瓷器,有图片。
Eyewitness Ancient China —— 台北国立故宫博物院创建。将台北故宫博物院收藏的中国古代皇宫中的青铜器、玉器、瓷器、书法、绘画的极品在网上展现给读者,除配有精美图片外,还附有详尽说明。
The Museum of Asian Art ——亚洲艺术博物馆。
DYNASTY ANTIQUES 一个关于中国文物古董的网站,设于加拿大。
Empires Beyond the Great Wall: The Heritage of Genghis Khan 加拿大The Royal British Columbia Museum关于蒙古文物的展览。
甲午海战历史馆 (BIG5)
中国军舰博物馆 (BIG5)
台湾二.二八纪念馆 (BIG5
胡适纪念馆 (BIG5)