

  北爱尔兰风光优美,空气清新,广袤的绿色草原和无尽的青山绿水勾勒出独有的以“绿色”为主线的自然景观。在北爱尔兰阿莫伊村(Armoy),有一条宁静的小路Bregagh Road被称为黑暗树篱(Dark Hedges),大凡到过这里的人一定会被眼前的景象所震惊——极具神韵的树枝,层层叠嶂,筑就了一条童话般的树隧道——一条路人博文《[组图] 绿树成荫花为径 看十大最美树隧道(20P)》、《[组图] 抛开末日传说 领略世间最美旅程(40P)》等多次提及的树隧道。

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The Dark Hedges

Over 200 years of Natural Magnificence.
This beautiful avenue of beech trees was planted by the Stuart family in the eighteenth century.  It was intended as a compelling landscape feature to impress visitors as they approached the entrance to their home, Gracehill House.  Two centuries later, the trees remain a magnificent sight and have become known as the Dark Hedges.

A Photographer’s Favourite
The Dark Hedges is one of the most photographed natural phenomena in Northern Ireland and a popular attraction for tourists from across the world.  It has been painted by hundreds of visiting artists and is a favourite location for wedding photographs.
Of the Dark Hedges, world-renowned photographer Jim Zuckerman writes,"One of the most beautiful roads I’ve ever seen is this country lane in Northern Ireland.  It's called Dark Hedges, and I include it in my photo tour to Ireland. All of the people in my groups get amazing pictures here. The serpentine trees form a tunnel that is spectacular at any time of the day, but I find it particularly intriguing and mysterious just before dark".

The Legend of the Grey Lady
The road is reputedly haunted by a spectral ‘Grey Lady’ who appears at dusk among the trees. She silently glides along the roadside and disappears as she passes the last beech tree.

Preservation for Generations to Come
These trees are now protected by a Tree Preservation Order issued by the Northern Ireland Planning Service.  The Dark Hedges Preservation Trust was awarded a Heritage Lottery Fund  (HLF) grant of ?43,000 in 2011 to ensure the uniqueness of these trees is preserved and perpetuated for many decades to come.

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  沿着北爱尔兰Bregagh路在Armoy村附近的有一个叫做Dark Hedge的地方。在过去三个世纪里,这片山毛榉树一直守护着这条路。它们相互交错在一起,用光与影创造出一偏飘渺的景色。效果相当完美。
  这些树是十八世纪50年代Stuart家族种在Gracehill House和James Stuart的Gregorian别墅里的。他们希望创造出引人注目的风景,让那些进入豪宅的人留下深刻的印象。不得不说Stuarts达到了他想要的效 果。即是是现在Dark Hedges依然会吸引当地人或游客前来参观。
  十五年前,只有当地人知道Dark Hedges。1998年北爱尔兰国家旅游局开始发展当地的旅游业,游客开始大量涌入北爱尔兰。它是世界上最值得拍摄的地方之一,许多桌面背景的主题都是它。热门电影“权力的游戏”中的几个场景在这里拍摄,这里也是拍摄婚纱照的好地方。
  世界著名摄影师Jim Zuckerman 写道:“这是在北爱尔兰我见过最美丽的道路。它叫做 Dark Hedges,收录在我的爱尔兰之旅的图集中。我团队里的所有人都在这里拍到了美丽的照片。这些蜿蜒的树形成了一条隧道,在一天中任何都显得很壮观,在日落前尤其显得有趣和神秘。”
  爱尔兰的纪实摄影师David Cleland说:“面对路的斜面是最佳的拍摄位置。”很明显他找到了拍摄这些树枝最好的方式。每天早上和晚上是田园最忙碌的时光,柔软的光线穿过树叶。如果没有快门声和鸟叫,你会感受到令人窒息的安静。

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  当然这么古老的道路肯定有一些恐怖故事。如果你没有碰巧遇到,那么你最好要小心“Grey Lady”。当地传说她一直在这条道路附近徘徊。据说,她沿着道路静静的游走,当她到达最后的树后突然消失。
  很多人相信 Grey Lady 是一名神秘死于豪宅的女仆的鬼魂。也有人说她是从坟墓里跑出来的鬼魂,隐藏在附近的田野里。万圣节的晚上,那些被遗忘的坟墓会打开,那些鬼魂跑出来和 Grey Lady 一起游走。当然不是所有人都相信这些传说,但不可否认超自然的力量的存在。
  你往 Belfast 西北方向开50公里,然后绕道Northern Ireland的Antrim Coastal Road你就会到达Dark Hedges。

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