晨鸟在欢唱。 天未破晓,夜之龙用那寒冷的黑爪紧搂着天幕,这清晨的消息从何而来? 告诉我,晨鸟,东方的使者怎样透过天空和树叶这双重的夜色, 找到通往你梦境之路? 你高喊:“黑夜将要过去,太阳就要升起。” 可这世界并不相信。 哦,醒来吧,沉睡者! 露出你的前额,等待第一道阳光的赐福, 带着幸福的虔诚,和着晨鸟欢唱。
The bird of the morning sings. Whence has he word of the morning before the morning breaks, and when the dragon night still holds the sky in its cold black coils? Tell me, bird of the morning, how, through the twofold night of the sky and the leaves, he found his way into your dream, the messenger out of the east? The world did not believe you when you cried, "The sun is on his way, the night is no more." O sleeper, awake! Bare your forehead, waiting for the first blessing of light, and sing with the bird of the morning in glad faith.

不,不是你的力量催促蓓蕾绽放。 摇晃花蕾,敲打花蕾,可你却无力使它开放。 你的触击玷污了它,你撕碎它的花瓣,抛撒于尘埃。 但没有绚丽的色彩,也没有馥郁的芬芳。 啊!那可不是你的力量能催促蓓蕾绽放。 能够绽放花苞的,做起来轻而易举。 他瞥上一眼,生命之液便在叶脉之间涌动。 他吹一口气,花儿便展开羽翼,在风中飞舞。 色彩像心灵的渴望一般,奔涌而出,芬芳流溢着香甜的秘密。 能够绽放花苞的,做起来轻而易举。 No: it is not yours to open buds into blossoms. Shake the bud, strike it; it is beyond your power to make it blossom. Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to pieces and strew them in the dust. But no colours appear, and no perfume. Ah! it is not for you to open the bud into a blossom. He who can open the bud does it so simply. He gives it a glance, and the life-sap stirs through its veins. At his breath the flower spreads its wings and flutters in the wind. Colours flush out like heart-longings, the perfume betrays a sweet secret. He who can open the bud does it so simply. 
在风与水交织的乐音中, 诗人的思绪浮游,并飘舞于生命的微波之上。 当夕阳西下,如墨的天空笼罩着大海, 宛如浓密的睫毛垂在疲惫的双眼上。 该收起他的笔了, 让他的思绪在那永远沉默的秘密中, 沉入深深的海底。 The poet's mind floats and dances on the waves of life amidst the voices of wind and water. Now when the sun has set and the darkened sky draws upon the sea like drooping lashes upon a weary eye it is time to take away his pen, and let his thoughts sink into the bottom of the deep amid the eternal secret of that silence. 
在雷鸣电闪的瞬间, 我在我生命中看到了你巨大的创造力--- 历经生死轮回,从一个世界到另一个世界的创造力。 当我看到我的生命落到毫无意义的时光的手中时, 我为自己的毫无价值而哭泣, 但是,当我看到它在你的手中时, 我便知道这生命太珍贵了, 不能蹉跎在阴影之中。 In the lightning flash of a moment I have seen the immensity of your creation in my life--- creation through many a death from world to world. I weep at my unworthiness when I see my life in the hands of the unmeaning hours--- but when I see it in your hands I know it is too precious to be squandered among shadows. 
每当我徘徊于收藏的珍宝之间, 我就觉得自己像条蛀虫,在黑暗中啃噬着滋生自己的果实。 我要抛开这座腐坏的牢狱。 我不想流连于腐朽的沉寂,因为我要去寻找永恒的青春; 一切与我生命无关的、所有不似我笑声轻盈的,我都全部抛弃。 我在时光里奔驰穿梭,哦,我的心啊, 行吟诗人在你的战车里舞蹈。 When I lingered among my hoarded treasure I felt like a worm that feeds in the dark upon the fruit where it was born. I leave this prison of decay. I care not to haunt the mouldy stillness, for I go in search of everlasting youth; I throw away all that is not one with my life nor as light as my laughter. I run through time and, O my heart, in your chariot dances the poet who sings while he wanders. 
我内心的乞丐, 向着没有星光的天空举起瘦弱的双手, 用饥饿的嗓音,对着黑夜的耳朵呐喊。 他向茫然的黑暗祈祷,而那黑暗,正如荒凉无望的天宫里躺着的堕落之神。 欲望的呼唤回荡在绝望的深渊,哀鸣的鸟儿盘旋在空荡荡的巢穴。 但是,当清晨在东方的边缘抛锚停泊时, 我内心的乞丐便一跃而起,大声欢叫: “幸亏耳聋的黑夜拒绝了我——它已是囊中空空了。” 他叫道:“生活啊,光明啊,你们弥足珍贵! 最终与你相识的欢乐如此珍贵!” The beggar in me lifted his lean hands to the starless sky and cried into night's ear with his hungry voice. His prayers were to the blind Darkness who lay like a fallen god in a desolate heaven of lost hopes. The cry of desire eddied round a chasm of despair, a wailing bird circling its empty nest. But when morning dropped anchor at the rim of the East, the beggar in me leapt and cried: "Blessed am I that the deaf night denied me--that its coffer was empty." He cried, "O Life, O Light, you are precious! and precious is the joy that at last has known you!" 
心儿啊,听,他长笛吹奏的乐曲, 是野花的芳香,是晶莹滴翠的绿叶和碧波粼粼的溪水, 是轻轻振翅的蜂翼与浓荫的奏鸣。 长笛从我朋友的唇上窃取了微笑, 把它洒到我的生命里。
Listen, my heart, in his flute is the music of the smell of wild flowers, of the glistening leaves and gleaming water, of shadows resonant with bees' wings. The flute steals his smile from my friend's lips and spreads it over my life. 我的主啊,琴弦被调好时,多么地痛苦啊! 奏起你的音乐吧,让我忘却痛苦; 让我在美的享受中感知你在这无情岁月里的心声。 逐渐退却的夜色仍旧徘徊在我的门口,让她在歌声中辞别吧。 我的主啊,在从你的繁星中飘洒下来的仙乐中, 把你的心灵倾入我的生命之弦吧。 The pain was great when the strings were being tuned, my Master! Begin your music, and let me forget the pain; let me feel in beauty what you had in your mind through those pitiless days. The waning night lingers at my doors, let her