Madonna -Take a Bow (诱惑之声)
Madonna - Take a Bow
(谢 幕)
Take a bow,the night is over. This masquerade is getting older. Light are low,the curtains down
There's no one here. There's no one here,there's no one in the crowd. Say Ur lines,but do U f
eel them ? Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? Do U mean what U say ? When there's no one aro
und. No one around. Watching U,watching me,one lonely star. One lonely star U don't know w
ho U are. I've always been in love with U(always with U. I guess U've always known it's true.
U know it's true. U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? The show is over,say good-bye.
Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye. Make them laugh. It comes so easy. When U get 2 the
part. Where U're breaking my heart(breaking my heart. Hide behind Ur smile,all the world loves
aclown. Just make 'em smile the whole world loves a clown. Wish U well,I cannot stay.
U deserve an award 4 the role that U played. Role that U played. No more masquerade,U're
onelonely star. Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye. All the world is a stage(world is a stage.
And. everyone has their part(has their part. But how was I 2 know which way the story'd go ?
How was I 2 know U'd break ? U'd break,U'd break,U'd break. U'd break my heart. I've always
been in love with U. I've always been in love with U. Guess U've always known. Say good-bye !
烟,喜欢你 ---作品[em]e120[/em][em]e160[/em]
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