回 答


图片 ­




                            北岛:我不相信! ­


                                                          —— 题记 ­





海是愤怒的眼泪 ­

山是隆起的臂肌 ­

沙漠和雪野是张张冷漠的面具 ­




风是垂死者的呼吸 ­

雨是挣扎时的汗滴 ­

季节是上帝的一句句残酷的谎言诳语 ­




闪电是禁锢者的某种渴望 ­

雷声是襁褓里婴儿嘶哑的哭啼 ­

黑暗只不过是自己把自己的眼睛紧闭 ­




生是把日历翻去 ­

死是把日历翻去 ­

怀疑一切是拒绝一切和拥有一切的手臂 ­










[B] 〖回答〗[/B] [B][/B] [B] 北岛 [/B]   卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,   高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,   看吧,在那镀金的天空中,   飘满了死者弯曲的倒影。   冰川纪过去了,   为什么到处都是冰凌?   好望角发现了,   为什么死海里千帆相竞?   我来到这个世界上,   只带着纸、绳索和身影,   为了在审判之前,   宣读那些被判决的声音。   告诉你吧,世界   我--不--相--信!   纵使你脚下有一千名挑战者,   那就把我算作第一千零一名。   我不相信天是蓝的,   我不相信雷的回声,   我不相信梦是假的,   我不相信死无报应。   如果海洋注定要决堤,   就让所有的苦水都注入我心中,   如果陆地注定要上升,   就让人类重新选择生存的峰顶。   新的转机和闪闪星斗,   正在缀满没有遮拦的天空。   那是五千年的象形文字,   那是未来人们凝视的眼睛。




[B][ft=,4,][ft=,,黑体]生是把日历翻去 死是把日历翻去 [/ft][/ft][/B]




[ft=,4,楷体_gb2312]北岛又说:[/ft] [ft=,4,楷体_gb2312]  一切都是命运   一切都是烟云   一切都是没有结局的开始   一切都是稍纵即逝的追寻   一切欢乐都没有微笑   一切苦难都没有泪痕   一切语言都是重复   一切交往都是初逢   一切爱情都在心里   一切往事都在梦中   一切希望都带着注释   一切信仰都带着呻吟   一切爆发都有片刻的宁静   一切死亡都有冗长的回声[/ft]




BLOOD IS ON THE SQUARE words and music by Phillip Morgan A song was heard in China in the city of Beijing. In the spring of 1989 you could hear the people sing. And it was the song of freedom that was ringing in the square, the world could feel the passion of the people gathered there. Oh children, blood is on the square. For many nights and many days, waiting in the square. “To build a better nation” was the song that echoed there. “For we are China’s children, we love our native land, for brotherhood and freedom we are joining hand in hand.” Oh children, blood is on the square. Then came the People’s **** with trucks and tanks and guns. The government was frightened of their daughters and their sons. But in the square was courage and a vision true and fair, the **** of the People would not harm the young ones there. Oh children, blood is on the square. On June the 3rd in China, in the spring of ‘89, an order came from high above and passed on down the line. The soldiers opened fire, young people bled and died, the blood of thousands on the square that lies can never hide. Oh children, blood is on the square. For four more days of fury the people faced the guns. How many thousands slaughtered when their grisly work was done? they quickly burned the bodies to hide their coward’s shame, but blood is thick upon their hands and darkness on their names. Oh children, blood is on the square. There are tears that flow in China for her children that are gone. There is fear and there is hiding, for the killing still goes on. And the iron hand of terror can buy silence for today, but the blood that lies upon the square cannot be washed away. Oh children, blood is on the square.


[B][ft=,4,黑体]黑暗只不过是自己把自己的眼睛紧闭[/ft][/B] [B][/B] [ft=,,黑体][B][ft=,4,]生是把日历翻去 死是把日历翻去 [/ft][/B] 怀疑一切是拒绝一切和拥有一切的手臂[/ft] [ft=,,黑体][/ft] [ft=,,黑体][em]e179[/em],在您的诗里,总能读出一些更高层次的思想,总能让我深深感悟生命及世界的某些至真......[/ft]


[ft=,4,]第一遍不太有感觉,再读是读出了血气方刚。。。[/ft] [ft=,4,]二十年后的某窗仍然是锐气逼人嘛![/ft]


[ft=#99cc00,5,][B]回也回了[/B][/ft] [ft=#99cc00,5,][B]答也答了[/B][/ft] [ft=#99cc00,5,][B]海山沙----自然[/B][/ft] [ft=#99cc00,5,][B]風雨季----偶然[/B][/ft] [ft=#99cc00,5,][B]閃雷黑----突然[/B][/ft] [ft=#99cc00,5,][B]生死怀----必然[/B][/ft]


[ft=,2,]鸟儿带着歌声[/ft] [ft=,2,]能自由的飞翔在蓝空[/ft] [ft=,2,]那么[/ft][ft=,2,]我相信[/ft] [ft=,2,]天是蓝的[/ft] [ft=,2,]雷声震耳发聩[/ft] [ft=,2,]给灵魂找一个合适的位置[/ft] [ft=,2,]那么我相信[/ft] [ft=,2,]回响寂静的力量[/ft] [ft=,2,][/ft] [ft=,2,]花有花的梦呓[/ft] [ft=,2,]梦想若能成真[/ft] [ft=,2,]那么我相信[/ft] [ft=,2,]梦是真的[/ft] [ft=,2,][/ft] [ft=,2,]真的[/ft] [ft=,2,]我相信[/ft] [ft=,2,]相信一切[/ft] [ft=,4,楷体_gb2312]一切希望都带着注释 [/ft]