It's the latest weapon in the fight against the signs of aging. This is Face Yoga, also called Grimace Yoga. It’s a yoga technique which requires facial muscles to be stretched as far as possible in order to relieve pressure and prevent wrinkles. Tongues are stuck up and out, eyes are rolled back, eyelids are fluttered, mouths are opened and shut in silent screams or gummed in mock "Grandma without her teeth in" motions, noses are pushed up and back, necks are self-throttled.面部瑜伽,也叫做鬼脸瑜伽,是对抗岁月痕迹的最新武器。这种瑜伽手法要求将面部肌肉最大程度拉伸,以此来舒缓压力并预防皱纹产生。鬼脸瑜伽的动作有,将舌头立起并伸出,眼睛来回转动,眼皮快速眨动,嘴巴一张一合做出静音尖叫状或者模仿“没牙老太太”的嘴巴活动方式,上下按动鼻头,以及自己掐脖子等。These strengthen and tone all 57 muscles of the face, neck and scalp. When you start to tone the muscles, it starts to move them back to their regular position. As you strengthen them, you start to see things like the muscles of your cheeks being lifted, your nose lifting up, your eyes becoming wider, your mouth corners turning up, fine lines become smooth.这些动作能够加强并舒缓面部、颈部和头皮的全部57块肌肉。肌肉得到舒缓时,它们就会回复到正常标准的位置。而当肌肉得到加强时,你就会发现两颊的肌肉有所提升,鼻子也比原来挺了,眼睛变大了,嘴角开始上扬,皱纹也平复了。The idea behind the facial toning movement in general and Face Yoga in particular is that much as working out tones muscles in your body, the same applies to the muscles of your face.面部瑜伽舒缓肌肉的原理跟健身活动舒缓身体肌肉的原理是一样的,面部肌肉也可以通过运动来舒缓。