Hey ,boy ,is that you ? 一长串字很不像日志标题 。 但是,我用了它。只是因为当下的心情如此感恩! 能说出来的痛苦就不算痛, 同样,能表达出来的开心就不算喜悦。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 写悲观文字的人,很多时候,内心是安宁的,轻松的,甚至有那么一点明亮。 只有悲观才能让我有安全感,才能让我做到心情淡然,所以对待一切事情,我一向悲观,哪怕在最最幸福的时刻,也不会变。有人懂么? 么? 么? 时钟不会倒转,一些温暖,一些触动,一些善美,我有必要记录。 写给自己: 斗转星移,日夜更替,生死有轮回。 时光荏苒,草木枯荣,人间几多变。 殊途同归,旖旎旅途,谁愿与谁共? only forever is enough 。 永远是多远,镜花水月美,何须贪念生。 但求两相悦,天涯共此时。 不诗不词无对仗,一语一字出心扉。 We all need more to do 。strong belief。 cherish。 蜻。
[ft=,2,]Pessimism is easy, comfortable, lazy. It's easy to see the world as a closed door with no key of hope to unlock the latch.[/ft] [ft=,2,] [/ft] [ft=,2,]The pessimist who tries to be optimistic for a time, just to see how it is, will undoubtedly find reason to disbelieve the good around them. [/ft] [ft=,2,] [/ft] [ft=,2,]Optimism is easy, too. It's an unshakable belief that everything is going to be great. Optimists choose not to see the bad.[/ft] [ft=,2,]The optimist can only be shattered into pessimism by a life-altering disappointment. Little troubles can be ignored, or seen as leading to a bigger goal. [/ft] [ft=,2,] [/ft] [ft=,2,]I am a realist. I believe in reality. Both the good and the bad. Perfection is nearly unattainable, but reality keeps me striving forward through the sweetness and the sorrow.[/ft]