Love Wishes


Love wishes all wishes into itself,

Lies in wait in the wings of life

To fly surreptitiously into the ether

Of entwined hearts.


Love enters quietly, begging nothing,

Holding all futures and pasts in the

Phantom grasp withal.

Relentless, eager, equal.


Come, I one-time cried, aghast.

Come, I pleaded, I begged.

Come, I strangled my wits to an end,

But love came not, nor would.


Love consumes completely in it’s time.

But, tender as I am, I doubt and fear

That suddenly the bottom of my

Golden bower will drop.


Tender soul of mercy, of grace,

Impugns my vacillations with the breath

Whispered in my jaded, tortured ear

That this, truly, is love.

No better moment than the moment that is now

To let peal the bells of propitious fortune.

I am here, and here am I, and she,

She the yang to my yin.

To one who knows:  I love you.



茫茫人海,一个“缘”字,你我相遇;来来 往往一个“真”字,你我相识;平平常常一个“诚”字,你我相知;风风雨雨,一个“心”字 ,你我相通 ;春夏秋冬,一个“友”字,你我相惜。[ft=#000000,,]祝您;事事如愿,健康吉祥!哦对了,祝我自己;事事如愿,健康吉祥![/ft]




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