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美国 - 爱荷华州 - 转基因食品可能使超过2,000,000美国人丧生,而政府用H1N1流感疫苗掩盖了实事真相。
美国加利福尼亚北区地方法院法官查尔斯布雷耶裁决:美国农业部未经严格审查,就允许抗草甘膦紫花苜蓿 ——家畜的一种关键性饲料——不受限制地商业化种植,违犯了联邦法!
http://www.vancouversun.com/life ... /2916131/story.html
This is the 2nd time in 5 days that I’m asking why am I able to get MORE information out of RUSSIA, then the US?
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
是由Sorcha Faal向西方的订户报道的。
Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and idententifeid by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup? herbicide-absorbing NK 603.
Author: xiaolin2679 Time: 2010-9-11 08:59 PM Subject: GM foods might has claimed thousands of lives
英文翻译、原文来自: http://txlady706.wordpress.com/2 ... -the-h1n1-vaccines/
USA – Iowa – genetically modified foods may have killed over 2,000,000 Americans and the government’s covering it up with the H1N1 vaccines.
“U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer of the Northern District of California ruled that the USDA violated federal law in allowing unrestricted commercial planting of “Roundup Ready” alfalfa — a key livestock fodder — without a solid review.
Food, corn and soybean modified by GM with Monsanto (MON 863) insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup? herbicide-absorbing NK 603 may be responsible for 2,000,000 lives lost in a “mysterious die-off”.”—
http://www.vancouversun.com/life ... /2916131/story.html
This is sooo disturbing.
美国 - 爱荷华州 - 转基因食品可能使超过2,000,000美国人丧生,而政府用H1N1流感疫苗掩盖了实事真相。
美国加利福尼亚北区地方法院法官查尔斯布雷耶裁决:美国农业部未经严格审查,就允许抗草甘膦紫花苜蓿 ——家畜的一种关键性饲料——不受限制地商业化种植,违犯了联邦法!
http://www.vancouversun.com/life ... /2916131/story.html
This is the 2nd time in 5 days that I’m asking why am I able to get MORE information out of RUSSIA, then the US?
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified, lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at the Governors mansion were stricken.A most chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Science for Prime Minister Putin states that a “mysterious die-off” in the United States has claimed over 2,000,000 lives since 2008 and is “more than likely” linked to a “crossover” plant disease linked to genetically modified grains and foods.
是由Sorcha Faal向西方的订户报道的。
Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and idententifeid by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup? herbicide-absorbing NK 603.
Author: xiaolin2679 Time: 2010-9-13 07:13 AM Subject: will you do something for our country?
Now in China, there are some people who actually are members from Monsanto company in U.S. and they have taken some very high place in Chinese Government are propagating massive production of GM rice in China.So our country are in danger! And so was all the Chinese people! If we let alone those guys to do so,the Chinese people very likely will die off in some future time!
In fact, those rascals are making fools of our government all the time and on the other hand, they just cheat all the Chinese people! They tried their best to let Chinese people to believe the the GM foods are harmful、 non-toxic and useful! Now many people had that belief already!
There are just a little material about the GM foods which were translated from the western countries.And this want of materials give the chance for those guys to cheat our people and our government! So Will you do something to save our country? Will you go to translate some material which are needed badly by our country? Only if we translate more such kinds of material, can we disclose the conspiracy of thosehateful rascals !
Author: socon2008 Time: 2010-9-13 08:25 PM
On my god!it's terrible.
Author: Desaview2 Time: 2010-9-13 08:41 PM
every grain of rice you eat in China is GM food...........think about that
Author: Desaview2 Time: 2010-9-13 08:42 PM Subject: Reply #1 xiaolin2679's post
every grain of rice you eat in China is GM food...........think about that
Author: Yamamoto Time: 2010-9-13 09:04 PM
2 million extra coffins for the US alone. The funeral services must have earned a golden nose.
I know about Monsanto and I am not supportive. They have a hard time in Germany to establish their business.
But this story of 2 million dead sounds like it jumped out from the same shoe box petera is using for his conspiracy stories.
Author: Desaview2 Time: 2010-9-13 09:49 PM
without continuous advancement in food technology, there is no way China can feed all Chinese.......................
Author: matthew5_3 Time: 2010-9-14 12:47 AM Subject: xiaolin should inform Xinhua and Chinadaily on this
and ask them to publish the reports in a big way
Author: Desaview2 Time: 2010-9-14 01:03 AM Subject: Reply #8 matthew5_3's post
if Xinhua or China Daily ever do that, they will lose all credibility in future....................................................lol.
National hero, living legend, father of GM rice in China...............................