Sturm Und Drang - Indian (狂飙突进)2012-11-17



Maybe one day in a place without time, without space
I can look back and see that I am finally whole
Dying to undo the moment when all fell apart
Trying to fade out what's real it's not for a life
One brief moment brought agony blackened my heart
No light for me, no way out, I'm next in line
Never ever, in this life I'll never find peace
Digging my own grave, I'm shot down in flames
You were my guardian angel, you saved me all times
But angels will fall burning, all candles have burned out
There is one way to escape but worse things will await
I'll let him take me, eternity will pay my price
Maybe one day in a place without time, without space
I can look back and see that I am finally whole
That's what I hoped but now I don't believe anymore
My wounds won't heal, I will bleed til the death of my soul



也许有一天我能在一个没有时间和空间局限的地方回忆往事 我将看到整一个过程 死亡的那一刻就是所有都分崩离析的时刻 试图淡化生命中虚幻的一切 回忆的一个小片段就给我的内心带来极大的痛苦和黑暗 这里没有光明,也没有出路,我在另一条路上等待 我这辈子在生活中没有找到过平静 挖掘我的坟墓,我熄灭了火焰 你是我永远守护的天使 你一直在拯救我 但是天使也有坠落的一天 就像蜡烛也有燃尽的时刻 我们有逃避的方法 但错误的事情却将等待着我们 我将让他带我走 但我却永远要付出我的代价 也许有一天我能在一个没有时间和空间局限的地方回忆往事和看到整一个过程 这是我所希望做的 但是我现在不相信一切 我的伤口不会愈合 在我的灵魂死去之前我将一直淌血