Learn To Be Lonely


Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find the way in darkness
Who will be there for You
Comfort and care for You
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be Your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold You ?
You've always known
Your heart was on its own
So laugh in Your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love
Life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived
Life can be loved


        This is the end music of <The Phantom of the Opera> ,it would be more wonderful while going with the sentimental melody ,I considered.


          In my opinion,living a life is always a personal business .


          Loneliness was uesd to be nothing serious and also can be a pleasure to enjoy even . 


          It can be thought that myself as my companion at the chlidrem time ,loving the espectial life at the desolate and silent moment ,without being scared of the secular darkness ,experiencing the feeling of roaming anywhere alone .


          That would be rather free .


          However , this is only the one side of loneliness .


          The word “free” still can't stand for the suffering bigind the loneliness .


         “Life can be lived
           Life can be loved ”


           I always stoped reading them while look at  the last word for each sentence .


           Would you review these two sentenses time and time when go into the solitude field .

           Life can be lived.
           Life can be loved

           We should always hold a wish when run into the blind alley ,struggle working hard for the bright position .

           Live with upsadness but adamancy that would be the outstanding attitude in our life .















[ft=,2,]" Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get."[/ft] [ft=,2,]这是《阿甘正传》里的一句话,生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不会知道下一颗你将拿到什么。[/ft] [ft=,2,]生活是经营生活,生活是爱生活。[/ft][ft=,2,]放荡不羁的灵魂逍遥自在,接纳我们的生活才是一种高度。[/ft] [ft=,2,]alone 和lonely的区别。想必你也是知晓的。[/ft] [ft=,2,]嘿嘿,恩,生活就是个人的一项事业,加油哦~~~[/ft] [ft=,2,][em]e112[/em] [/ft]


[ft=#339933,4,] [ft=#000000,3,]Loneliness can be a pleasure to enjoy......I can't agree more[/ft][/ft]






[ft=,2,]好哲学啊·· 我直接CTRL+C, CTRL+V···在线翻译了~~~![/ft]