╭≈★*☆*≈╯丹桂芳蕊飘远馥 ☆ ☆长相思 ╭≈★*☆*≈╯
桂露寒,宿露寒,丹桂飘香袖舞残,冰弦对月弹。 恨绵绵,爱绵绵,别后方知孤影难,此生情未圆。 别渡头,恋渡头,望尽高楼独自忧,西厢几许愁。 夜幽幽,月幽幽,刹那芳华弹指收,几回魂梦游。 I remember, I remember, the moment thou departure, The path where the wind comes blowing through at rainy dusk. Thou never come a wink too soon, nor bring too long a day. I often wish the night had brought my breath away. 【长相思·闺怨】 见亦难,别亦难,闲倚西闺拂玉弦,更深宿梦残。 雨潺潺,泪潺潺,寸寸柔肠瑰露湾,傍窗遥祝安。 月清清,夜清清,月夜风情谁与听,落红飘满庭。
Cloud and moon fade leaving no glow! The forum where we lingered and my sound dropped in wind on the doom day. It is quiet yet! 爱融融,意融融,起舞红裳情意浓,可怜柯梦空。 醉捻弦,醒捻弦,难解相思泪满天,倾心夙夜弹。 月圆圆,日圆圆,弄玉台前人未还,更深闻杜鹃。 黄叶舞秋风【1452082797】/ 指导; 须菩提【2233910431】/ 词、英译
Where thou used to linger, and thought the life would be happy and free as a bird on the wing . My spirit flies in feathers then. That is so heavy now! Summer pools never cool my fever brow! 参考资源【按拼音顺序】: *★*云心*★*【1102657349】原创空间;雨诺【1799050568】原创空间; |