Unit 1
The author’s brother Jimmy did not get enough oxygen duringa difficult delivery,which left him with brain damage.As ordinary peoplethought,Jimmy couldn’t live a normal life because of being disabled.However,under the love and caring of the family,Jimmy learned how to adjust tolife successfully and eventually became essential to the neighborhood,spreadinghis love to the people all around . The passage concludes with thesentence:”There had never been any limitations to what Jimmy’s love could accomplish.
Unit 3
The Hyde School sees itself as preparing children for lifeby cultivating a comprehensive set of principles which include the values oftruth,integrity,leadership,curiosity and concern . Academic success will thennaturally follow.So now Joe Gauld,the Hyde School founder is trying his effortsto spread his controversial Character-First idea to some public school . Hesays it’s impossible to reform conventional education,believing that we shouldmeasure success by personal growth and parents must be committed to theschool’s ideas.The school also hopes the parents will act as daily role modelsfor their children , In fact , teachers as well as students benefit from theseprinciples.
Unit 4
This passage gives us some insight into the orgins ofsymbols by which the United States of America is known around the world . Thestatue of Liberty is a female figure which derives from the two favourite womenin French artist Bartholdi’s life .The statue has his mother’s face combinedwith his wife’s body . The model for Barbie comes from an exaggerated versionof an older doll sold in Germany with the American designer’s daughter’s nameon it . It’s universally seen as the Queen of dolls.The great American Gothicpainting is in the medieval European style showing the faces of an Americandentist and the artist’s sister . The Buffalo Nickel’s designer James went against tradition by using actualAmerican Indians as models for his creation to memorize the detruction of thebuffalo herds and the American Indians.Uncle Sam may have the name of a meatinspector with a reputation for honesty. Sam Wilson,whose acronym is ‘US’ thathappens to be the initials of the United States.
Unit 6
Since earthquake may cause great destruction or damage ,weneed to know how to detect them quickly.Animals always give us warnings .forinstance,before an earthquake,rats run out from their hiding places and marchthrough houses without any fear.
To prevent destruction of property the architects designcolumns and horizontal beams ofequal strength . Apart from the efforts to improve building structures,peoplealso should prepare their houses for the possibility of great earthquakes. Fromthis passage,we can learn some specific methods to prevent ourselves andproperty from being injured in an earthquake and if it happens how to reducethe damage caused by earthquake.
Unit 8
The creation of Dolly.a cloned sheep,has aroused greatattention around the world. We now live in the reality of human cloning. Thissuggests,on one hand,great medical development and possibilities in curingpreviously incurable diseases. On the other hand ,human cloning has broughtconfusion and fear to people who worry that it would threaten human society anddignity. Why would anyone want to clone a human being in the first place? Willit be possible to clone the dead?What are the other implications of cloning forsociety ?.....the list of questions goes on;people are just beginning to wonderabout the future of the world after cloning.
Unit 10
The twocharacters shared the similarities such as the same age and the samerelative---Aunt Carrie.Comparisons and contrasts had been made through thedifferent stages of their lives.One day,after they retired,they happened tomeet in a club. Thanks to their Aunt Carrie’s well-intentioned comparisonsbetween them,they all achieved great success in their careers. So finally,the tensionsof competition between them went away,they both drank to the memory of theirAunt Carrie.
那幅著名的画《美国哥特人》用欧洲中世纪时期的风格向我们展示着一个美国牙医以及艺术家妹妹的面孔。野牛镍币的设计者詹姆斯颠覆传统,使用真正的美国印第安人作为他的创作原型,此举是为了纪念野牛群和印第安人的毁灭。山姆大叔有着诚实肉食检验员的美誉。他的名字,因为首字母是US结果被认为是UNITED STATES的缩写。
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