塔罗 占星 灵摆 等 玩家的低龄化 是极危险的


最近因为一个特殊原因 进了好几个塔罗群  这是距上次退占星塔罗群2年后的一次重回

原本以为占星群体内的人 在20左右很低龄化  结果发现 塔罗群体 更严重的低龄化 接近12 15岁

很可怜 都言辞凿凿号称多厉害 口若悬河  眼里只有神通 就是所谓的 谁准谁厉害

这不是和过去原始社会的 谁拳头大 谁就是老大一样吗?

但是神秘学群体又有其特殊性  在2年前 曾劝说一位朋友不要给人推运 结果不听 之后2个月 跟我说 给人推了一次 并且准了  但是代价 自己病了一个月

看到么 各位年轻人 不是今天我不肯给你们占卜算命  是你们不理解其中的秘密 

卜术有卜术的规矩  卜术之上还有更大的体系 比如卡巴拉 卡巴拉之上还有更宏大的体系

有些事是不能算 就是你偶尔知道了 也不能说 

如果你说了 轻者运势低落 重的伤身 甚至连累家庭子孙

有人说我是洗脑  上年纪的人都明白 这世上谁在给谁洗脑 不言而喻

所谓的 谁准就谁对  那意思不就是 不管你坑蒙拐骗还是勤勤恳恳工作 得到钱多就是本事?

号称这假的 那是瞎说 但有几个人问问自己 网络那头的世界 那个人 真的存在么?  

如果没见过就是假的 那世上只有几个人存活?

现在的人年纪轻轻就算命 占卜  在易学群也有 但总体要比占星甚至塔罗来的更理性  年龄层次也更高 很多事情能听懂 不像孩子一样 不如意就骂人 不顺自己的意思就是错  100个不承认 不接受

现在说说占卜算命对于小孩子   说简单了  人毛还没长齐 世道还没见几分  子丑寅卯都不知道怎么回事  就大言不惭给人占卜 或者求人占卜
说自己这不好那不好 要让看看  可笑么

想改命运是好事  但不知道命运的原理 你改毛线?  就像个被钉在木头上的大黄鳝  我小时候见过 钉子定住眼睛 不停的扭啊 要摆脱命运束缚  结果呢  最终还不是被剖开 划掉脊椎骨?

那些年纪轻轻就找人算 或者自以为自己厉害 很能算的  就和这个半死的黄鳝一样 自以为自己改了  扭得多带劲  时间没到罢了 到了也要乖乖的抽筋剥皮

并且你越看越到以后会越来越不准  因为 塔罗占星 不是用来算命的  命术古代称为帝王之术 在中国这样 古代西方也是 

不信没关系  时间会为我证明的

今天先说这些  等空了 再从卡巴拉角度谈谈

附一个东西给大家看看  只能参考 因为不清楚是否被人为修改过  因为牛顿晚年一直压制年轻科学家

翡翠石板的十三句谶语 --牛顿转译版
1. Tis true without lying , certain most true .


2. That wch is below is like that wch is above that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing .


3. And as all things have been arose from one by ye meditation of one:so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation .


4. The Sun is its father , the Moon its mother .


5. The wind hath carried it in its belly , the earth its nurse .


6. The father of all perfection in ye whole world id here , its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth .


7. Seperate thou ye earth form ye fire , ye subtitle form the gross sweetly wth great industry .


8. It ascends from ye earth to ye heaven again it descends to ye earth and receives ye force of things superior inferior.


9. By this means you shall have ye whole world thereby all obscurity shall fly from you .


10. Its force is above all force , for it vanquishes every subtitle thing and penetrates every solid thing .


11. So was ye world created.


12. From this are do come admirable adaptations whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.


13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist , having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world that wch I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished ended .


(1)True , without falsehood , certain , most certain.

(2)What is above is like what is below , and what is below is like that which is above , to make the miracle of the one thing.

(3)And as all things were made from contemplation of one , so all things were born from one adaptation.

(4)Its father is the Sun , its mother is the Moon.

(5)The wind carried it in its womb , the earth breast fed it.

(6)It is the father of all works of wonder in the world , and its power is complete.

(7)If cast to earth , it will separate earth form fire , the subtitle from the gross.

(8)With great capacity it ascends from earth to heaven , again it descends to earth , and take the power of the above and the below.

(9)Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world , all obscurity will flee from you.

(10)This is the whole most strength of all strength , for it overcomes all subtle things , and penetrates all solid things.

(11)Thus was the world creates.

(12)From this comes marvelous adaptations of which this is the procedure.

(13)Therefore I am called Hermes , because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world , and complete id what I had to say about the work of the Sun.

