

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means that the time you spend away from one you love makes you love that person even more. Example: "Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips?" Reply: "No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder." The word "absence" means to be away. To "grow fonder" is to care more. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means the time you spend away from someone you love ("absence") makes you love that person even more ("the heart grows fonder"). Example: "It is much easier to get along with your parents when you live away from home. You miss them so much and are glad when you see them." Reply: "It's true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder." When someone you care for is away, you miss that person and think about them often, and that feeling makes you want to be with them even more.





[ft=,2,]so ,we often miss one of our key pals.[/ft]


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