Beloved Ones, we greet you today from the GLS Tulya. We are your starbrothers and sisters, from the Pleiadian homeworld.
We would like to speak to you about the process that some of you arecurrently undergoing, namely the transition between a 3D carbon-based human toa 5D crystalline being. When you finish this process, some of you willwant to rejoin friends and family who await your return to the ships and homeplanets. You have loved ones, husbands and wives, children, extendedfamilies and friends on the ships. They watch your progress daily as youmove through these challenging times.
What should you expect when you come abroad the ships? For one, mostof the starships are sentient collective beings. Crew and ship worktogether in a symbiotic manner, each supporting the other. The crewperforms “duties” and the ship provides a living environment. Throughthought and intent, the inner environment of the ship can adjust to the needsof the crew or an individual within the crew. Most of us have spent manyyears aboard our ship and are very close with one another. We also visitsome of the neighboring ships, especially when there are council or strategymeetings to attend, although much of this work can be donetelepathically. Still our people enjoy being together.
Right now, some of you are recovering from the latest onslaught oftransmuting energies that your sun has sent to the planet through a hugecoronal mass ejection or CME. Our scribe spent some of the past weekendtaking naps to release the fatigue she was dealing with, but being an old handat this business, she has recovered nicely. Do not fret if you arefeeling under the weather a bit. The physical body is changing from acellular (and smaller) level. Your DNA is being upgraded andreconnected. The DNA that your scientists have called “junk” is comingonline and with this upgrade, you will be blessed with new gifts, deepenedpsychic abilities, profound awareness, stronger intuition, and perhapsclairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance. Again, if you do not seeany evidence of this, be at ease. The changes in your consciousness levelwill come apparent soon enough.
One change that has been noticed by our scribe is an abiding sense of peacethat she can tune into at will during the day, even in her busy workenvironment. It has provided her with hope and a renewed sense ofbalance.
The changes that will most likely be the last to occur will be the ones inyour physical appearance. Before that occurs, you may suddenly feel“younger” and stronger, having more physical energy than has been the case overthe last few years. Again, for our scribe this is a welcome change as herenergy levels have been greatly affected during the last 25 years of theascension cycle (1987 to 2012).
While the transmuting energies bring many satisfying changes for ourlightworkers and starseeds, you may notice that other people are feeling morestressed. Those who have lived a life dedicated to serving self at theexpense of others will suddenly see their actions and behaviors mirrored tothem, vividly. They might undergo a startling change of heart or theymight suffer a sudden heart attack or other health issues. All depends oncontracts made by the individual before entering into incarnation during thistime. It is important not to sit in judgment of others or even yourselfnow. One cannot know what is truly in the heart of anotherindividual. Comparison of your progress to another person is alsocounter-productive, as each one of you is entirely unique and precious in theeyes of Creator.
We realize that these words have been presented by other sources, but it isalways good to underline the value in seeking to care for you and to give spaceto others, as each soul undergoes their individualized dance through thistransitional period.
As a starship, we can offer you a place to heal, recuperate or learn duringthese times. Speak your intent to visit us before going to sleep atnight; we will welcome you aboard. Further details of what is availablecan be read about on the pages of “Spirit Train Chronicles.”
For many of you who have incarnated upon this planet from other worlds ordimensions, life on Earth has been challenging in so many ways. You havehad to adapt to wearing a skin “suit”, your physical body, and living in apolluted, noisy environment. Your former abilities have been locked awayand your connection to “Home” veiled from you, mostly so you would not decideto leave too soon, before completing your mission. Now, gradually so yourphysical body can adapt to the changes, your abilities and awareness arereturning. You are waking up and remembering why you chose to be herenow. Now the time has come to decide what comes next.
Some of you will want to return to the stars or your home densities /dimensions. Others will choose to remain with the planet to assist theremaining population to bring their world into a golden age of beauty andabundance. Others will decide to drop their current physical body and bere-born on the new Gaia. Still others will move on, continuing their souljourneys in 3D until it is their time to wake up and ascend. All thesechoices are being made now, even by those who seem deeply asleep. Remember to honor their sovereignty and to focus on the choice standing beforeyou.
We love you deeply. Call upon us to assist you in moments of need, aswell as calling upon the angels and Masters. Remember spirit cannot cometo your aid unless you give your permission first. We follow the Law ofOne. We are One with you and honor your sovereignty to make your ownchoices. After all, it was to experience individuality that you came tothis earthly schoolroom.
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