《理智与情感》剧照 (20张)
母女四人租了约翰爵士的小屋居住,热情的邻居詹宁斯夫人正把布兰登上校介绍给玛丽安娜,希望能促成一段婚姻。布兰登上校有一段辛酸悲惨的往事,他被迫与心上人伊莱札分离, 等到他找到她时, 她已沦为妓女悲惨死去。然而,玛丽安娜却因为正爱着英俊的威洛比而对上校十分冷漠。但威洛比对上校十分敌视,不久就借故离开去了伦敦。而一个名叫露西的女人却突然出现,告诉埃莉诺她与爱德华曾私定终身。
在感情上受到折磨的姐妹俩结伴来到伦敦,玛丽安娜意外地看到了威洛比,然而,威洛比对她却情淡意冷,几句话就把她打发了。 布兰登上校告诉埃莉诺,威洛比为人轻薄可恶,欺骗伊莱札留下的女儿并使其怀孕又抛弃了她。于是他的姨妈断绝了他经济上的资助以惩罚他。因此,他决不会与玛丽安娜这个没有身份地位和金钱的姑娘结婚的。失意伤心的玛丽安娜在雨中独自漫步,却晕倒在山坡上,幸亏被布兰登上校的救助才化险为夷。
Her imagination was busy, her reflections were pleasant, and the pain of a sprained ankle was disregarded.
Even now her self-command is invariable. When is she dejected or melancholy? When does she try to avoid society, or appear restless and dissatisfied in it?"
He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed.
Had he been even old, ugly, and vulgar, the gratitude and kindness of Mrs. Dashwood would have been secured by any act of attention to her child; but the influence of youth, beauty, and elegance, gave an interest to the action which came home to her feelings.
"As good a kind of fellow as ever lived, I assure you. A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England. "
"That is what I like; that is what a young man ought to be. Whatever be his pursuits, his eagerness in them should know no moderation, and leave him no sense of fatigue. "
Her imagination was busy, her reflections were pleasant, and the pain of a sprained ankle was disregarded.
Even now her self-command is invariable. When is she dejected or melancholy? When does she try to avoid society, or appear restless and dissatisfied in it?"
He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed.
Had he been even old, ugly, and vulgar, the gratitude and kindness of Mrs. Dashwood would have been secured by any act of attention to her child; but the influence of youth, beauty, and elegance, gave an interest to the action which came home to her feelings.
"As good a kind of fellow as ever lived, I assure you. A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England. "
"That is what I like; that is what a young man ought to be. Whatever be his pursuits, his eagerness in them should know no moderation, and leave him no sense of fatigue. "