

  1.北非谍影 (Casablanca 1942)
  2.乱世佳人 (Gone With The Wind 1939)
  3.西城故事 (West Side Story 1961)
  4.罗马假日 (Roman Holiday 1953)
  5.金玉盟 (An Affair to Remember 1957)
  6.往日情怀 (The Way We Were 1973)
  7.齐瓦格医生 (Doctor Zhivago 1965)
  8.大富之家 (It`s a Wonderful Life 1946)
  9.爱情故事 (Love Story 1970)
  10.城市之光 (City Lights 1931)
  11.安妮。霍尔 (Annie Hall 1977)
  12.窈窕淑女 (My Fair lady 1964)
  13.走出非洲 (Out of Africa 1885)
  14.非洲皇后 (The African Queen 1951)
  15.呼啸山庄 (Wuthering Heights 1939)
  16.雨中曲 (Singin` in the Rain 1952)
  17.月色撩人 (Moonstruck 1987)
  18.迷魂计 (Vertigo 1958)
  19.人鬼情未了 (Ghost 1990)
  20.乱世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity 1953)
  21.风月俏佳人 (Pretty Woman 1990)
  22.金色池塘 (On Golden Pond 1981)
  23.旅行者 (Now,Voyager 1942)
  24.金刚 (King Kong 1933)
  25.当哈瑞遇见莎莉 (When Harry met Sally … 1989)
  26.淑女伊芙 (The Lady Eve 1941)
  27.音乐之声 (The Sound of Music 1965)
  28.街角商店 (The Shop Around the Corner 1940)
  29.军官与绅士 (Ah Officer and a Gentleman 1982)
  30.欢乐时光 (Swing Time 1936)
  31.国王与我 (The King and I 1956)
  32.黑色胜利 (Dark Victory 1939)
  33.茶花女 (Camille 1937)
  34.美女与野兽 (Beauty and the Beast 1991)
  35.琪琪 (Gigi 1958)
  36.断肠云雨 (Random Harvest 1942)
  37.泰坦尼克号 (Titanic 1997)
  38.一夜风流 (It Happened One Night 1934)
  39.花都艳舞 (An American in paris 1951)
  40.妮诺奇嘉 (Ninotchka 1939)
  41.甜姐儿 (Funny Girl 1968)
  42.安娜。卡列尼娜 (Anna Karenina 1935)
  43.一个明星的诞生 (A Star is Born 1954)
  44.费城故事 (The Philadelphia Story 1940)
  45.西雅图不眠夜 (Sleepless in Seattle 1993)
  46.捉贼记 (To Catch a Thief 1955)
  47.天涯何处无芳草 (Splendor in the Grass 1961)
  48.巴黎最后的探戈 (Last Tango in Paris 1961)
  49.邮差总按两次铃 (The Postman Always Rings twice 1946)
  50.莎翁情史 (Shakespeare in Love 1998)
  51.管教贝贝 (Bring Up baby 1938)
  52.毕业生 (The Graduate 1967)
  53.郎心似铁 (A Place in the Sun 1951)
  54.龙凤配 (Sabrina 1954)
  55.赤色分子 (Reds 1981)
  56.英国病人 (The English Patient 1996)
  57.丽人行 (Two for the Road 1967)
  58.猜猜谁来吃晚餐 (Guess Who`s Coming to Dinner 1967)
  59.梦旅人 (Picnic 1955)
  60.逃亡 (To Have and Have Not 1944)
  61.在蒂凡尼处早餐 (Breakfast at Tiffany`s 1961)
  62.桃色公寓 (The Apartment 1960)
  63.日出 (Sunrise 1927)
  64.马蒂 (Marty 1955)
  65.雌雄大盗 (Bonnic and Clyde 1967)
  66.曼哈顿 (Manhattan 1979)
  67.欲望之车 (A Streetcar Named Desire 1951)
  68.疯狂飞车大闹唐人街 (Wath`s Up,Doc?)
  69.哈洛与慕德 (Harold and Maude 1971)
  70.理智与情感 (Sense and Sensibillty 1995)
  71.往事如烟 (Way Down East 1920)
  72.爱上罗姗 (Roxanne 1987)
  73.寡妇情深结鬼缘 (The Ghost and Mrs.Muir 1947)
  74.小姑居处 (Woman of the Year 1942)
  75.白宫奇缘 (The American President 1995)
  76.蓬门今始为君开 (The Quiet Man 1952)
  77.春闺风月 (The Awful Truth 1937)
  78.归来 (Coming Home 1978)
  79.红衫泪痕 (Jezebel 1939)
  80.沙漠情酋 (The Sheii 1921)
  81.再见女郎 (The Goodbay Girl 1977)
  82.证人 (Witness 1985)
  83.摩洛哥 (Morococ 1930)
  84.双重保险 (Double Indemnity 1944)
  85.生死恋 (Love is a Many-Spendored Thing 1955)
  86.美人计 (Notorious 1946)
  87.布拉格之恋 (The Unbearable Lighthness of Beihg 1988)
  88.公主新娘 (The Princess Bride 1987)
  89.灵欲春宵 (Who`s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966)
  90.廊桥遗梦 (The Bridges of Madison 1995)
  91.打工女郎 (Working Girl 1988)
  92.波基与贝斯 (Porgy and Bess 1959)
  93.辣身舞 (Dirty Dancing 1987)
  94.焚身 (Body Heat 1981)
  95.小姐与流氓 (Lady and the Tramp 1955)
  96.斗气夫妻 (Barefoot in the Park 1967)
  97.油脂 (Grease 1978)
  98.钟楼驼侠 (The Hunchgack of Notre Dame 1939)
  99.枕边细语 (Pillow Talk 1959)
  100.甜心先生 (Jerry Maguire 1996)
