《Thank U All the Way--by peach 2013.6.1》
Stepping out of library, breathing in the
fragrance of spring, I immerse myself in the soft sunshine. So content and composed my mind is that I almost identify myself with nature. The minute my back is turn, I see she is beaming a warm smile at me, like a bright flower blooming in the Spring.
All the way, she is my best friend, either my greatest foe. Sometimes, she sets mountains of barriers in front of me while she teaches me that greater is the art of beginning, but greatest is the art of end, so that I see the incomparable scenery of my life; sometimes she frustrates me to hopelessness, even to cry, howeve she makes me know that future pays tribute to deeds, instead of tears; sometimes, my hopes crumble to nothing on her account. But, when I see light at the end of the tunnel, I feel much grateful to her. Because she limits my speed alone, but not my determination. On the contrary, she polishes my will to any obstacle.
At present, I firmly march on the path of pursuit of my dreams. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to her for posing puzzles for me all the way. It is very her schooling that makes my wings full-fledged enough to through thick and thin.
去年院报smile together征稿时写的文章。那时候感觉自己看破了红尘似的,心里那么淡然与宁静。感觉就算前方是愚公的那座山,都可以风雨无阻的爬过去。可是现在,没有图书馆,没有和煦的风,没有诗意,便没有了那片恬静。心里的那片纯净早被现实打得落花流水,屁股尿流。生活no passion, no power,过得就像一潭死水。特别害怕每天早上醒来,心里那种无法言喻的痛苦,足以摧倒我心里的整座城池。然而,这又是一种极端的心态。生活,无论怎样都要继续。这不再是暑假工,不再是八月底你就可以领着money回学校看天门山上的云卷云舒。9月开学,再也与你无关,就别再错觉你还在暑假工。所以,何不换种心态去面对去生活?在任何地方都可以学到东西,只看你自己想要的是什么。不要错乱了自己的眼神,不要再忧桑或是迷茫地去未来。未来,有憧憬总归是好的。可是,若一味的去追逐那虚无飘渺的未来或者将未来看做是渴死自己的沙漠,那还不如珍惜眼前的现在,过好每一天,做好每一件事。戒骄戒躁,放下心里的不安定,去做对的事,选择对的人,做对的梦。记住: Time waits for no one!
fragrance of spring, I immerse myself in the soft sunshine. So content and composed my mind is that I almost identify myself with nature. The minute my back is turn, I see she is beaming a warm smile at me, like a bright flower blooming in the Spring.
All the way, she is my best friend, either my greatest foe. Sometimes, she sets mountains of barriers in front of me while she teaches me that greater is the art of beginning, but greatest is the art of end, so that I see the incomparable scenery of my life; sometimes she frustrates me to hopelessness, even to cry, howeve she makes me know that future pays tribute to deeds, instead of tears; sometimes, my hopes crumble to nothing on her account. But, when I see light at the end of the tunnel, I feel much grateful to her. Because she limits my speed alone, but not my determination. On the contrary, she polishes my will to any obstacle.
At present, I firmly march on the path of pursuit of my dreams. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to her for posing puzzles for me all the way. It is very her schooling that makes my wings full-fledged enough to through thick and thin.
去年院报smile together征稿时写的文章。那时候感觉自己看破了红尘似的,心里那么淡然与宁静。感觉就算前方是愚公的那座山,都可以风雨无阻的爬过去。可是现在,没有图书馆,没有和煦的风,没有诗意,便没有了那片恬静。心里的那片纯净早被现实打得落花流水,屁股尿流。生活no passion, no power,过得就像一潭死水。特别害怕每天早上醒来,心里那种无法言喻的痛苦,足以摧倒我心里的整座城池。然而,这又是一种极端的心态。生活,无论怎样都要继续。这不再是暑假工,不再是八月底你就可以领着money回学校看天门山上的云卷云舒。9月开学,再也与你无关,就别再错觉你还在暑假工。所以,何不换种心态去面对去生活?在任何地方都可以学到东西,只看你自己想要的是什么。不要错乱了自己的眼神,不要再忧桑或是迷茫地去未来。未来,有憧憬总归是好的。可是,若一味的去追逐那虚无飘渺的未来或者将未来看做是渴死自己的沙漠,那还不如珍惜眼前的现在,过好每一天,做好每一件事。戒骄戒躁,放下心里的不安定,去做对的事,选择对的人,做对的梦。记住: Time waits for no one!
好像在看考研阅读样,词汇量好大!no passion no power.
好像在看考研阅读样,词汇量好大!no passion no power.
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