Come to myself !


             A number of disasters occourred  recently ,especially earthquakes in yushu,qinghai and droughts in yunnan~while give away what  we got,it’s not that complicated, really. what's  i am shameful to say is dat i only donated 100 yuan for yushu~coz things which i never  thought  counldn't be worse around me  and dat fear has got me living in the lake of lack   as the  disasters occour far away in disaster areas~

             Misfortunes  never come alone.A month ago ,my ID and bank card with 10,000 yuan ,give  or take in it  had disappeared at the same time.......... soon after dat a car accident befell  me   ,worst of  all ,,, it was just dat night a thief had come to my dorm and stolen  my mobilephone  and all  the change in my pocket when i was getting a sound sleep  . several classmates had come to visit me right after after they knew it....and our manager who is really a kindhearted woman  had requested to come to my house with quite a lot of workmates dat afternoon just after they heard the amazing news ,they had come here soon as they were off duty.i was  feeling really great right after their coming, . i was even feeling like a million bucks! Why? Because i felt loved and warm.  i can deeply feel loved when they gave dat love to me and i am trying to give dat kinda love to others if possible sooner in the future and if need be.

            It's universally known  once we give ideas away and such ideas will flood right back to us,i often give inspirations  to others in Global English Club and think of a way that i could help them based on what i know when they are in trouble ,somehow,i'm presently longing for a good deal of comfort and encouragement  which i've  never thought ,coz i  am realy feeling terribly helpless and i really have no alternative but to cry or complain ~ as time moves on  ,i only allowed myself a month to weaken. i wanna keep optimistic and always look up to the sky where the sun rises , coz i know dat difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 
          Actually ,i like taking Andy's  advice ,though his ideas are not always good for the younger me ~ what i wanna utter is dat it’s not even because his  ideas are worthy or that he is worthy – just because he is good at giving .  The problem is our thinking. just as a Canada boy  Tate said "i am also often given  a lot of tellings-off from my parents , while  we still  need to  give it a positive  thinking  no matter what happens".  yes,we need to create the abundance mindset and  be willing to give what we have~

         In fact , i am not  the people who are scared to spend their money though i am not dat rich as many people think , i am from the countryside after all  . coz i know dat  holding onto our money doesn’t bring more of it to us.  It does just the opposite.  Holding onto or hoarding our money (in fear) is evidence enough that i always dun think there is enough.  And when  i dun think i have enough.

         It seems dat i am  always running out of time – like it was cash or some commodity on complaining again and again and i  always in a panic to get stuffs done even on duty ,i dun wanna be  dat kinda people anymore ~ time is money ,i dun need waste time in making complaints any longer~ and i just dun wanna live in the lake of lack.Just as Preexistence often utters,usually ,if there is lack in one area, then there is lack in all areas of our life.  It really comes down to our mindset.i am trying to burn the candle at both ends, i have kept beening not only working, but most of time i am studying.  
           With all of these tips, i have to start with where i am now ,i should cheer up from where i am now.  i will be actively creating the abundance~ btw,Children's Day is coming the day after tomorrow~ happy Children's Day to all friends!






[ft=,2,] 标题长的像汉语 太抽象 俘虏不了读者 英语简洁 一事一文 你这里一文囊括了天地万物 万花筒一样 不知所云 数一数 写了几件宝贝 1. 灾难 我最不愿阅读的影响潜意识的 a,玉树地震 b,云南干旱c,捐款 一个包袱里三样玩意没有一样有细节 你自己捐款的细节最好 第一段可以写一文章了 灾难进入你的潜意识 所以你的生活连连不断小灾难 所以我劝你不要回忆这些 远离过去[em]e100[/em]f [/ft]


1A number of disaters-àdisasters 标题长的像汉语 太抽象 俘虏不了读者 英语简洁 一事一文 你这里一文囊括了天地万物 万花筒一样 不知所云 数一数 写了几件宝贝 1. 灾难 我最不愿阅读的影响潜意识的 a,玉树地震 b,云南干旱c,捐款 一个包袱里三样玩意没有一样有细节 你自己捐款的细节最好 第一段可以写一文章了 灾难进入你的潜意识 所以你的生活连连不断小灾难 所以我劝你不要回忆这些 远离过去 2. A number of disaters occourred recently ,especially earthquakes in yushu,qinghai and droughs in yunnan~while give away what we got,it’s not that complicated, really. what's i am shameful to say is dat i only donated 100 yuan for yushu~coz things which i never thought counldn't be worse around me and dat fear has got me living in the lake of lack as the disasters occour far away in disaster areas~ 1A number of disaters-àdisasters 第二段包袱里有什么 1谚语 祸不单行 开头 进入你潜意识 注定你的故事悲剧 你的故事会影响你的读者 2身份证 银行卡丢失 yuan后逗号 是give or take 不是反过来 记住g-t的顺序就是 是插入语 两边逗号 3. 车祸来临 不要什么都happened to,用befell 读了英语九百句 会知道说 I was nearly killed in a car accident.物主语太多 呆板 4安慰拜访 用amazing,,,这news叫amazing? 小偷劫财没劫色 算你幸运了 这些故事让我阅读 有什么丰收?


第三段包袱里的蚂蚱呢?1哲理句子开头 好牛 每段如此 空话 这段自然 写的较为进入写作状态 没牢骚 鼓舞人心giving ideas away?单独句 once you… such ideas… the past,or all the time… 3.帮助 别人 4.抱怨无能无助 祈求怜悯状 不应该写这样反面忧伤 5 times flies,or as time goes/moves on.. 6.weaken 这句话在翻译 中国人能读懂 7哲理又来了 收尾 这一段写的好 去掉负面文字 刻画细节最好 写一个自己的故事展开最好 自己的故事最能动人 生命就是故事的展开 第四段 太突然 冒出教授了 你需要提及andy后介绍一下他 哪里哪里人士 与你的关系 第一次相遇等等 找出他的优点。




your spirit is deserved to be praised , what a pity , some spelling is incorrect ,haha .


还不上线? 没上班啊?姐[em]e146[/em]我要儿童节的礼物[em]e101[/em]


Preexistence G E C 13:00:03 言归正传,看看这句话: your spirit is deserved to be praised , 按照作者意思你的精神可嘉。 其实这里的精神并非spirit,而是指敢于挥笔泼墨的aspirations或courage. 关键词被翻译错了 指鹿为马 spirit= the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body 后面的what a pity,有拼写错误 肯定是言论其写作 而并非其总体精神 而是要说的是其写作精神aspirations或courage aspirations=a strong desire to have or do something 通常复数 写作欲望 汉语的模糊译文 只会让每一个中国人 沉浸在翻译的喜悦之中 而不是自由自在的纯英文写作中 依靠 英译汉的单词意义 是玩不转 英文的 可嘉 被整成is deserved to be praised 好像是双重被迫而出的 该-》被该 表扬-》被表扬 几乎乱了逻辑 尤其是那个be deserved被该


[ft=,2,]言归正传,看看这句话:your spirit is deserved to be praised ,按照作者意思你的精神可嘉。其实这里的精神并非spirit,而是指敢于挥笔泼墨的aspirations或courage.关键词被翻译错了指鹿为马spirit= the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body 后面的what a pity,有拼写错误 肯定是言论其写作 而并非其总体精神而是要说的是其写作精神aspirations或courageaspirations=a strong desire to have or do something 通常复数 写作欲望汉语的模糊译文 只会让每一个中国人 沉浸在翻译的喜悦之中 而不是自由自在的纯英文写作中依靠 英译汉的单词意义 是玩不转 英文的可嘉被整成is deserved to be praised好像是双重被迫而出的该-》被该 表扬-》被表扬 几乎乱了逻辑 尤其是那个be deserved被该 的东西是praise而非人一个很简单的You或Your的什么 deserve(s) praise.deserve (high)praise已经够正常的英文了 英语多名词 你非得汉语多动词而且整成被动语态来玩spirit被该be deserved 是什么逻辑 反过来主动语态=什么什么deserve your spirit?其实这句话Your noble aspirations derseve commendation.Commendation看似也是praise,其实比praise多了一个精雕细刻的意思,是praise+的意思 +什么呢?=praising some1,esp. some1 who has been brave or very successful你要表达的正式这个brave的勇气。上帝之手精雕praise-compliment-recognition-commendation是一个精雕细刻的语言雕琢过程 What a pity,怎么也难错,口语化,太常用。但是你把它插入语一样,如同上面一句,太肤浅了。What/it’s a pity/shame->more’s a pity也是一个精雕细刻的语言过程more’s a pity,比what a pity有多了点什么 恰恰是你要表达的you say more’s a pity when you wish that the fact that you have just mentioned was not true再看这半句:some spelling is incorrect ,haha .标点符号不重视,haha是中国拼音的改写 英语叫haw-haw一些spelling的地方不止一处 spelling似乎要sis 要are其实这句话用there are some incorrect spellings比 说一些拼写是错误的 要更哈哈些 there are 完美表达事物客观存在 what be what 是主观描述。Haw-haw! [/ft]


[ft=,2,]翻译-杀死中国人直接运用英语的利刃![/ft] [ft=,2,]9楼 Angel 2010-05-31 17:29:05[/ft] [ft=,2,]your spirit is deserved to be praised , what a pity , some spelling is incorrect ,haha . [/ft][ft=,2,] 这个人敢写,许多中国人都和他一样,其实是在勇猛翻译。 许多中国人,尤其英语爱好者看见英语单词就兴奋,记得我十年前刚认识字母也那样天真,刚以为英语就如汉语拼音那样,也是拼出来的。然而,那时的课本,第一册教了字母表,第二册就音标,后来就全是大大小小的课文了。[/ft]


[ft=,2,]it's worth reading . you are not simple .my friend [em]e179[/em][/ft]