如果听到"进行曲",我们头脑第一反映就是锣鼓喧天的震撼音乐即将出场,那您可就小看Fennell了。基本上这是一场相当精致的演奏,他几乎把全部注意力放在音域的层次表现与强弱对比上,这样的好处是该有的动态还是能够表现,而细微处的音乐线条又能展现无遗。录音地点达拉斯Meyerson Symphony Center应该功不可没。这是一张不吵的进行曲录音,它虽然没有办法换下您家中的1812炮声,却能展现比"史特劳斯音乐庆典"更精致典雅的乐风。藉由这张RR的经典录音,您可以轻松欣赏一个世纪以来的经典进行曲,还可以从中探索一代管乐大师数十年来的心路历程。
01. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (Leon Jessel)
02. March of the Steel Men (C. S. Belsterling)
03. The Gladiator (John Philip Sousa)
04. The Footlifter (Henry Fillmore)
05.The Northern Pines (John Philip Sousa)
06. El abanico (A. Javaloyes)
07. The Kilties (S. E. Morris)
08. Rough-Riders (Karl L. King)
09. Sol y sombra (George Gates)
10. Men of Ohio (Henry Fillmore)
11. The U.S. Air Force March (Robert Crawford)
12. Hall of Fame (Joseph Olivadoti)
13. La banda nascente (B. Sbraccia)
14. Band of America (Paul Lavalle)
15. Invercargill (Alex Lithgow)
16. The New Colonial March (Robert Browne Hall)
17. On the Quarterdeck (Kenneth J. Alford)
18.Chicago Tribne March