



    这是一首经典怀旧金曲。曲谱很早就存在,由前俄国歌曲“路漫漫”的曲谱,加上Gene Raskin基尼拉斯金的诗词,由Mary Hopkin玛丽霍普金在1968年唱红的英文歌,《Thoses Were The Days往昔时光》被业界公认为是最好的,这歌也因此而广泛流传。当今传唱演奏的基本都是基于这新的填词。 
    1968年8月30号发行的玛丽霍普金的7英寸单曲唱片是由甲壳虫乐队制作的, 在当时英国的单曲排行榜列为第一,在美国为第二。邓丽君在1970年也翻唱了《往日的時光》。刘文正等也翻唱过,但歌词各有不同。
    最初俄文歌的歌词"路漫漫“是由俄国诗人波德瑞夫斯基填写。和英文歌词有很大区别,可说是截然不同。英文歌词作者基尼拉斯金 60年代常到一个叫白马酒馆的地方去,一边喝酒,一边儿听歌,缅怀随民歌黄金时代逝去而消失的著名歌手。

【Those Were The Days往昔时光】

Once upon a time, there was a tavern 从前,那里有个小酒馆 
Where we used to raise a glass or two 我们常去那喝个一,两杯
Remember how we laughed away the hours, 还记得,时光在欢笑中度过。
Think of all the great things we would do 真怀念我们在一起所有的那些快乐。

Those were the days, my friend 朋友,过去的好时光啊
We thought they'd never end 我们从未为将来耽心过。
We'd sing and dance forever and a day 我们永远是每日快乐地生活着
We'd live the life we'd choose 我们毫无牵挂地去干我们想干的事
We'd fight and never lose 我们拼搏,奋斗,从不畏惧失败
For we were young and sure to have our way 因为我们年轻,自然可以这样
Then, the busy years went rushing by us 随后的年岁中,我们为人生忙碌
We lost our starry notions on the way 我们在奔忙中失去了我们的激情,磨掉了棱角
If, by chance, I'd see you in the tavern, 如果偶然我在酒馆碰到你
We'd smile at one another and we'd say 我们会彼此微笑说:

Those were the days, my friend 朋友,过去的好时光啊
We thought they'd never end 我们从未为将来耽心过。
We'd sing and dance forever and a day 我们永远是每日快乐地生活着
We'd live the life we'd choose 我们毫无牵挂地去干我们想干的事
We'd fight and never lose 我们拼搏,奋斗,从不畏惧失败
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days 往昔时光,啊!过去的好时光
Just tonight, I stood before the tavern 就在今夜,我站在这酒馆前
Nothing seemed the way it used to be 从前的感觉荡然无存
In the glass, I saw a strange reflection 玻璃反光中,我看到个陌生的影子
Was that lonely woman really me? 那个孤独的女人难道真的是我吗?

Those were the days, my friend 朋友,过去的好时光啊
We thought they'd never end 我们从未为将来耽心过。
We'd sing and dance forever and a day 我们永远是每日快乐地生活着
We'd live the life we'd choose 我们毫无牵挂地去干我们想干的事
We'd fight and never lose 我们拼搏,奋斗,从不畏惧失败
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days 那就是往昔时光,啊!往昔的好时光
Through the door, there came familiar laughter 走进门去,熟悉的笑声依旧
I saw your face and heard you call my name 我看见你,听到你呼唤我的名字
Oh, my friend, we're older but no wiser 啊,朋友,我们没有随年龄增长而改变
For in our hearts, the dreams are still the same 因为在我们心底,有些梦想依旧

Those were the days, my friend 朋友,过去的好时光啊
We thought they'd never end 我们从来不为将来耽心。
We'd sing and dance forever and a day 我们每天永远是无忧无虑
We'd live the life we'd choose 我们毫无牵挂地去干我们想干的事
We'd fight and never lose 我们拼搏,奋斗,从不畏惧失败
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days 那就是往昔时光,啊!往昔的好时光

