


Natural Lymphatic Drainage May Help Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer.

The incidence of Breast Cancer in women in the United States has quadrupled in the last 40 years, causing 44,300 deaths annually. If it is localized and detected early, the survival rate is 96%. However, if the cancer has spread regionally, the survival rate drops to 75%; if it has spread to distant parts of the body, the rate is only 20%. Cancer prevention and early detection are paramount to lowering your risk of this disease.
Cause: Unknown
Despite a dramatic increase in research funding and awareness, cancer's cause is still under debate - ranging from genetics to retro-active viruses to our daily exposure to environmental and lifestyle pollutants, including radiation, contraceptives, diet, pesticides, man-made carcinogens, hormones and antibiotics and few conclusive preventative measures have been developed. Unfortunately, mammograms have not been as accurate in cancer diagnosis as originally hoped because their difficulty to interpret leads to a broad range of inconsistent conclusions.

Looking to Breast Health for Answers
Yet, in all of this, there is a definite ray of hope! While most observations have been highly selective in looking only for some outside, external agent as the cause, some research has been directed to looking at the breast tissues themselves and what may be going wrong inside them to allow cancer to occur. The fact is, it's unlikely that it's any one factor alone. It's more probable that many elements - both external and internal are involved in some way in breast cancer. From this recent research, some remarkable facts have emerged which can be quickly turned into a cost-effective program of prevention and self-help.

Your body's largest lymphatic network stretches from the breasts to an area just under each arm. This area contains a network of filtering devices and pathogen storage areas which act to cleanse the breast and blood of cellular debris and toxins, and safely hold viruses, bacteria and other pathogens for destruction and removal by the body's immune system. Such a filtering network is essential to a healthy body. Like plugged-up plumbing, if the network becomes blocked or constricted, lumps, cysts and infections can develop which, if not corrected within a timely manner, can turn into cancer. Ensuring that the lymphatic network within the breast remains unconstricted is of critical importance.
It's reasonable to conclude that restriction of the lymphatic network and circulation within the breasts could greatly increase one's risk of developing breast cancer, as it allows the build-up of carcinogenic compounds without the appropriate lymphatic drainage. In other words, when the lymphatic network cannot be drained, the body's garbage cannot be removed, poisoning the life within the breasts, allowing cancer to ensue. Therefore, anything which is found to restrict lymphatic flow within the breast is a contraindication of breast health and should be avoided.
Finding the means to enhance lymphatic drainage could just be the safest, easiest and most effective way to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and perhaps even prevent it from ever occurring.
The Bra: Could It Restrict Lymphatic Flow?
Quite ironically, what may cause the most unhealthy restriction of the breasts is not found within the breast tissue but outside of them: bras have been found to severely constrict lymphatic flow in the breasts and impede blood circulation. Indeed, because of this, bras may just be the single most important factor behind breast cancer. It is not just coincidence that breast cancer rates are highly correlated to the bra's cultural popularity – an invention solely promoted by fashion in the 1930's as we've seen breast cancer rates increase over the past 50 years. They offer no real medical benefit, and even when they were first promoted, some health professionals spoke against bras because of the possible restricting effects it has on the lymphatic network.


Recent research seems to justify their concerns. A medical anthropologist, Sidney Singer, performed a very simple experiment, comparing the incidence of breast cancer in Fiji within two groups of women: those that wore bras and those that didn't. Diet, lifestyle and environment were the same for both groups. Interestingly, it was discovered that those who wore bras had the same rate of breast cancer as women living in the U.S., whereas those that went bras-less experienced little, if any, breast cancer at all. Later, it was also learned that wearing a bras some 12-14 hours a day actually increased the production of prolactin, a hormone which acts to decrease overall blood circulation in the breast.
新近的研究似乎证明他们的关心是正当的。一位医学的人类学家,西德尼·辛格(Sidney Singer),做了一个非常简单的实验,在斐济的两组妇女中对比了乳癌的发病率。有趣的是,实验发现那些戴乳罩的妇女乳癌的发病率与生活在美国的妇女相同,反之,那些少戴乳罩的就几乎根本不得乳癌。后来,还得知一天戴乳罩12-14小时居然会增加催乳激素的产生,那是一种会全面降低乳房血液循环的荷尔蒙。
Again, the facts are becoming clear. The constricting properties of a bra not only make it difficult for safe and healthy lymphatic flow, but also decreases overall blood circulation When both lymphatic and blood flow are unduly restricted, cellular debris, impurities, toxins, environmental pollutants, and pathogens cannot be safely excreted from the breast. This leaves a kind of "systemic garbage" that the breasts are left to "stew" in which, if left too long, will cause infectious carcinogenic blockages which may eventually lead to cancer.
If you think about it, it makes all the sense in the world! When bras are not worn, the breasts are allowed to move independently with the body, creating a natural and efficient "pumping action" that acts to drain the lymphatic network of the breasts regularly and easily. Unfortunately, bras restrict such independent movement of the breasts. Obviously, anything we can do to re-introduce or accelerate the body's lymphatic drainage of the breasts, removing the toxins and carcinogenic compounds from within the breast tissue, will thus lower the risk of these compounds causing any problems.
So, what to do?
Bras are likely here to stay, despite their restrictive nature, so there are ways of perhaps getting around these drawbacks and help accelerate drainage of the lymphatic network:

Choose the right bra.
Most importantly, if a bra is absolutely necessary or preferred, wear one that is not too restrictive or constricting. It should offer support but
Natural Lymphatic Drainage May Help Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer.



Breast Cancer Caused by Bras?

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not entirely interfere with the all-natural movement of your breasts when walking or moving. The more free your breasts are to move independently from the body, the more pumping action will naturally take place, and that means the more drainage that will naturally occur. Also remove your bra when sleeping to allow the blood to circulate and lymphatic drainage to proceed normally at night.




Promote the release of "good" hormones.

Regularly stimulate the nipples by gently rubbing and squeezing them for a few minutes. This action will naturally release the hormone oxytocin within the breast tissue. Remember, wearing a restrictive bra causes the release of the hormone prolactin which acts to reduce the circulation of fluids within the breast - something we don't want! Oxytocin is a hormone which will naturally and safely reverses these effects, especially helping release any build-up of fluids and toxins within the breasts glands.



Encourage lymphatic flow.

Get into the preventive habit of massaging each breast nightly, or at least 3 times weekly. Holding each breast gently, begin squeezing and releasing a small portion of the breast, in a sort of gentle pumping action, rhythmically working your way up from the base of the breast to the underarm - always towards and into the underarm, following the natural direction of lymphatic flow. Massage each breast in this manner for at least 5 minutes at a time. This action of massage is most important as it acts to accelerate lymphatic drainage of the breast tissue, pushing and pumping the lymphatic vessels clear of debris and unwanted, possibly infectious, materials.



Be aware of the fact that as you massage each breast, toxins will be pumped back through the lymphatic network, actually returning back into your body's circulation, allowing the body now to naturally excrete these toxins, or render them harmless. If your breasts have been storing toxins for some time, don't be surprised if suddenly within the first few days or weeks of massaging, you begin to experience some form of allergic reaction to the amount of toxins now being released. We have some anecdotal reports of women experiencing mild to medium cases of hives, increased allergies of the sinuses, headaches, some cramping, etc. So, don't be alarmed.


This is actually a rather good sign that the toxins are finally being released from the breast tissue. Remember, toxins are not friendly chemicals. In sufficient numbers, they can cause an allergic reaction such as hives. If you are individual that is sensitive to these problems, simply cut back on the amount of initial massaging you do, allowing the body to more slowly get rid of your toxins, reducing the reactiveness of these chemicals in your body simply by reducing the amount of toxins the body has to deal with at one time. You may also wish to try a number of Vaxa products which will help detoxify toxins being released in the body, such as TriCardia+ and Anti-Oxin+, and Aller-Sine too, which helps the body naturally counter the effects of histamine (and hence, the allergic reaction) build-up the toxins may have initiated.


Supplement with an all natural product TriCardia+ and Immune-Aid+ which will help to drain the lymphatic network while enhancing immune system activity so as to fight against any lymphatic infections occurring within the breasts. Foods that will also naturally help cleanse and flush the lymphatic system are raw (to slightly steamed) cabbage, brocolli and cauliflower, as well as squash.

补充全天然的TriCardia+Im mune-Aid+产品,会有助于淋巴管网的排泄同时增强免疫系统的活动性,使其能对抗发生在乳房内的任何淋巴感染。同样能自然地帮助清洁冲洗淋巴系统的食物是生(稍微蒸一下)的卷心菜、甘蓝、花椰菜,和南瓜。

Also the use of whole grains, fruits & vegetables, and berries, cow's milk, soya products, and flax seed contain wonderful substances called phyto-estrogens which are know to be anticarcinogenic. Include these regularly and amply within your diet. Indeed, a number of studies within the last decade have demonstrated that a diet high in phyto-estrogens have been strongly associated with a substantial reduction in the risk of breast cancer.


You may also supplement with standardized, all-natural phyto-estrogens by taking Vaxa's Endocrin for Women and Preserve to ensure adequate phyto-estrogen intake. Stop using antiperspirants and switch to natural deodorants. Antiperspirants generally use chemicals which cause the underlying lymph node in the underarm to become constricted and subsequently block lymphatic drainage.

你也可以通过服用Vaxa's Endocrin for Women and Preserve来补充标准的、全天然的植物雌激素来保证摄入充足的植物雌激素。停止使用止汗剂,转向天然的除臭剂。止汗剂一般使用的化学品会引起腋下的淋巴结变得狭窄,并随之阻塞淋巴排泄。

Stay away from pollutants and toxins as much as possible Avoid eating vegetables which have been grown with pesticides, and meats which have been raised with hormones and antibiotics. The low-strength antibiotics used in most farm bred cattle, chicken and fish feed, lowers the effectiveness of your immune system, and can allow infections to worsen within the lymphatic network of the breast tissue. And both the pesticides and hormones in animal/fish feeds will greatly interfere with your endocrine system, introducing uncommon (non-human) estrogens into your system which may prove carcinogenic when stored within the tissues of the breasts.


If at all possible, try to abstain from synthetic estrogens contain in some hormone replacement therapies, especially those which are derived from the urine of horses. These contain non-human estrogens which have bee linked with the risk of cancer in women. In a meta-analysis of over 51 studies involving over 160,000 women from around the world, it has been found conclusively that non-plant based HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) increases the risk of breast and other cancers in women, and further, that the risks of cancer increase the longer a women stays on the HRT.


If a hormone replacement strategy is needed, use phyto-estrogens which are plant based, completely safe and carry with it the added benefit of being anticarcinogenic (keep cells from becoming cancerous) and antiangiogenetic (tumor reducing) activities. In a meta-analysis of over 51 studies involving over 160,000 women from around the world, it has been found conclusively that non-plant based HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) increases the risk of breast and other cancers, and further, that the risks increase the longer a women stays on the HRT. *Vaxa offers the Women's Strategy Pac, rich in safe phyto-estrogens, for just these very purposes.


Try abstaining from caffeine, theophylines

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Breast Cancer Caused by Bras?
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and theobromines Naturally occurring substances found in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate, which are well known to stimulate overproduction of cellular products such as fibrous tissue and cyst fluid. Women who abstain from these products have generally less problems with cysts, especially during PMS. Also, make sure that your intestinal bacterial flora are constantly being renewed (Vaxa's ReFlora+ will ensure this) as this has been shown to prevent the resynthesis of toxic estrogen compounds, especially if you are a meat eater. 
试着戒除咖啡因、茶碱和可可碱。这些物质自然发现在咖啡、茶、可乐和巧克力里,众所周知它们是刺激细胞产品如纤维组织和囊液生产过胜的。戒除这些产品的女性一般没有囊肿的问题,特别是在经前期综合症期间。同样,要确信你的肠菌丛在不断更新(Vaxa's ReFlora+会保证这一点),因为这已被显明是要防止有毒的雌激素的合成,当你是一位肉食者时尤其如此。
And make sure that your bowel movements are regular and normal (try using Vaxa's Colod-Aid+ for restoring normal movements), as a link between cellular abnormalities in breast fluid and the frequency of bowel movement has been found. Women having fewer than 3 bowel movements per week experience 4.5 times more fibrocystic breast disease than women who have at least one movement per day. Again removing toxins from the body is imperative in keeping the system clean. When the "plumbing" is backed-up, even breast tissue suffers. 
并要保证你的肠活动是有规律而且正常的(尝试使用Vaxa's Colod-Aid+来恢复正常的活动),因为乳房液中的异常细胞和肠活动频率之间的一个链环已经被发现了。肠活动每周少于3次的女性比那些每天至少活动一次的女性患乳房纤维囊性的机率多4.5倍。再次说明清除体内毒素对于保持系统清洁是势在必行的。当“泵”倒退时,甚至乳房组织也要受损。
A new study out of Sweden and Harvard, adds to the growing evidence that eating monounsaturated fats, the kind of fats found in olive and canola oils, may significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer. In a study consisting of 60,000 women, those women who ingested about 10 grams of monounsaturated fats daily (3/4 of tablespoon) cut their risk of breast cancer in half. 
These results were similar to previous studies that looked specifically at olive oil, the main source of monunsaturated fat in Mediterranean diets. But its not yet clear that these results mean that polyunsaturated fats are really detrimental. Rather, it is suggested that a balance intake of fats which include mono- and polyunsaturated fats, as well as sources of saturated fats (in a ratio of unsaturated to saturated to at least 2:1, are essential to good health, as these are our only source of Essential Fatty Acids -- Omega-3's and Omega-6's. Indeed, cutting out saturated fats from the diet in a recent large government study (U.S. Govt. MRFIT study involving 12,000 men and women) were seen to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other degenerative carcinogenic dysfunctions, including cancer. 
Other recent studies also suggest that it is a good idea to keep away from hydrogentated fats (margarine and refined cooking and salad oils) as much as possible, since they generally contain the dangerous and toxic "trans" form of fatty acid which are known to now be a major cause of heart disease and cancer. The good news is that "butter" is really "in" again, being a needed saturated fat, and much safer than margarine, and tastes better too. But regardless of the source of fats, 1 gram of fat still contains 9 calories, and studies suggest that the heavier you are, the higher the risk of breast cancer, especially after menopause. 
The bottom line: use and eat olive oil and canola oil, fry with them too, but sparingly, and, use butter instead of margarine in all your cooking and eating needs, and even some lard (a saturated fat), which is safer than using margarine and refine
