蕾吉娜·史派克特(Regina Spektor),尽管曾与前段时间排行榜上火爆一时的The Strokes乐队一起做过巡演,并在过去几年中于纽约的“反传统民谣”(anti-folk)圈子中也已小有名气,但是这个名字对于很多人来说显然还是颇为陌生。史派克特已经自发行了3张专辑作品,但却很少能够进入人们的视线,不过随着互联网络对于艺人自我宣传的愈发显著的支持,蕾吉娜·史派克特也逐渐开始为一些人所知。
Rgina Sektor的音乐会让你不禁然地联想到一个很有古怪灵秀气质的女孩,事实上,在她所演绎的大部分音乐中,富于冷峻而诡异变化的钢琴是唯一的伴奏乐器,这让我们想起了另一位现在已身为人母、可当年却以怪异钢琴气质而独步乐坛的女唱作人Tori Amos。但是,如果仅仅给Regina Spektor冠以“怪异风格唱作人”的头衔则无形中大大削减了她音乐中具有的多元化音乐色彩。
Burning papers into ashes
What a season
How they fly high
From the ground up
There is yet another fountain
Flowing over
As the night falls
Keep dreaming
If you hold on to that box
Don't you lock yourself inside
Nothing has been done before
It's the most virgin dress
You could possibly wear
Mess it up, time is up
Hold your memory for a moment
With a blind hand
Write some stories
For tomorrow
From the bottle of amnesia
Find instructions to salvation
To oblivion supreme
Don't be tempted to look back
It has all happened before
Someday miraculous spring
Will forgive
Every cowardly thing that you‘ve done
That I have done
Dust it off
That we have done
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