When You Believe 当你相信时


 Many nights we've prayed 许多夜里我们总在祈祷

With no proof anyone could hear 不渴求谁都去倾听

and our hearts a hopeful song 用心编织成一首希望之歌

We barely understood 即使自己都参不透

Now we are not afraid 如今我们鼓起勇气

Although we know there's much to fear 尽管我们知道有太多事情我们畏惧

We were moving mountains long 总得跋山涉水后

Before we knew we could 才知晓自己能做到

There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会发生.

Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫

It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀

Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹

When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信 奇迹自然会发生

You will when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会发生

In this time of fear 当你面对恐惧时

When prayer so often proves in vain 当祈祷屡次落空时

Hope seems like the summer birds 当希望像是夏日的鸟儿

Too swiftly flown away 过眼而不及

And now I am standing here 然而此刻我站在这里

My heart's so full I can't explain 心中充满 难以表达的激情

Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say 寻觅信仰 说着未曾说过的话

There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会发生

Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫

It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀

Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹

When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信 奇迹自然会发生

You will when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会发生

They don't always happen when you ask 生活免不了孤身无助的时候

And it's easy to give in to your fear 屈服恐惧轻易而举

But when you're blinded by your pain 当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼

Can't see your way safe through the rain 在风雨中看不到出路

Hope it's still a resilient voice 想到一个回响耳边的声音

Says love is very near 告诉你爱指日可待

There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会发生

Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫

It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀

Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹

When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信 奇迹自然会发生

Now you will 你现在就会

You will when you believe 只要你相信它 它就会发生

You will when you believe 只要你相信它 它就会发生

You will when you believe 只要你相信它 它就会发生

Just believe 只需相信

I believe 我坚信

You will when you believe 只要你相信它 它就会发生



: 我在老家,没网没WIFI,为了赞你这条说说,我走了几十公里的山路来到镇上,脚上磨起了许多豆大的水泡,鞋子也开胶了。本来想把家里的苞谷卖掉几十斤,在镇上坐车到城里的网吧赞你这条说说的,无奈天公不作美,今年收成不好,种的粮食只够家里吃,所以我只好在镇上的砖窑里打工,挣足路费。从砖窑搬一块砖到拖拉机上只给一分钱,为了100块的车费,我搬了一万块砖,十个手指头都磨出了鲜血,为了省下车费,我没贴云南白药创可贴,让血液自然凝结。之后拿到搬砖钱,我坐上了从镇上开往城里的汽车。来到网吧,一摸兜里,尼玛,没有三块钱的上网费了,少搬了300块砖。我只好在大街上四处奔走,守望着那些喝矿泉水的人们,当他们将矿泉水瓶从手中抛出的那一刹那,我就像守门员扑球般扑去了,生怕矿泉水瓶被别人抢去了,我赞你的说说又晚上那么一秒钟,你理解我迫不及待赞你这条说说的心情么?历尽千辛万苦,我终于收集到60个珍贵的矿泉水瓶子,拿到废品收购站换了3块钱的网费,来到网吧,终于赞上了你这条说说。