你留意过自己的父母吗?You noticed your parents?気になることを好きだった両親だったのだろうか。


      你的父母身体好吗? ­

    你的父母心情愉悦吗? ­

    你的父母感觉幸福快乐吗? ­

    你的父母脸上经常挂着由内心深处发出的笑容吗? ­


    如果你的父、母还健在,无论你有没有和他们同住——   ­

  如果有一天,你发现他们的厨房不再像以前那么干净;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现家中的碗筷好象没洗干净;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现母亲的锅子不再雪亮;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现父亲的花草树木已渐荒废;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现家中的地板衣柜经常沾满灰尘;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现母亲煮的菜太咸太难吃;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现父母经常忘记了关煤气或电源;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现老父老母的一些习惯不再是习惯时,就像他们不再想要天天洗澡时;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现父母不再爱吃青脆的蔬果;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现父母爱吃煮得烂烂的菜;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现父母喜欢吃稀饭;   ­

  如果有一天,你发现他们过马路行动反应都迟钝了;   ­

  如果有一天,你发觉他们不再爱出门…… ­

    如果有一天,你发现在吃饭时间他们老是咳个不停,千万别误以为他们感冒或着凉,(那是吞咽神经老化的现象) ; ­


    如果有这么一天,作为朋友我应该提醒你,你要警觉我们的父母可能真的已经老了,器官已经退化到需要我们照顾了…… ­

    如果你没有足够的时间,那你就需要请人帮我们照顾,并请你千万千万要常常探望,不要让父母觉得是多余的、被遗弃了,更不要让父母伤心…… ­


    我们每个人都会老,父母只是比我们先老,角色互换,我们要用感恩的心情去照料父母,才会有耐心、才不会有怨言,当父母不能照顾自己的时候,为人子女要警觉,他们可能会大小便失禁、可能会很多事都做不好,如果房间有异味,可能他们自己也闻不到,请不要嫌他脏或嫌他臭,为人子女的只能帮他清理,并请维持他们的“自尊心”…… ­


    当我们的父母不再爱洗澡时,请抽空定期帮他们擦洗身体,因为纵使他们自己洗也可能洗不干净。当我们在享受食物的时候,请替他们准备一份大小适当、容易咀嚼的一小碗,因为他们不爱吃可能是牙齿咬不动了; ­

    如果到了那一天,我们的父母真的动不了了,我们所做的一切角色互换不也是应该的吗? ­


  我们的父母从十月怀胎守护、一朝临产受苦、生子之时忘忧、咽苦吐甘哺育、廻干就湿呵护、哺乳养育心血、洗涤不净辛苦、远行忆念挂怀、深加体恤用心、究竟怜悯爱切…… 自我们出生开始,我们吃的、喝的、用的无一不是父母的血和汗,父母为我们喂奶换尿布、生病了不眠不休的照料、教我们生活基本能力、供给读书、吃玩乐和补习,捧在手上怕摔着、含在口里怕化了——我们的父母是用真情和至爱倍加呵护、疼爱我们,甚至超过了爱护自己的眼睛和身心,并且分秒不离其心,父母对我们的关爱到老都不会松懈分毫,直至生命的终止……      ­


  树欲静而风不止、子欲养而亲不在——世间万物均可失而复得:失去事业可以再创,失去金钱可以再挣,失去爱人可以再找,失去子女可以再有;但失去了父母将永不再来,我辈切莫留下终生的遗憾! ­

    如果因为我们孝养父母,不予支持和理解而失去的一切你觉得可惜吗?不孝之人可交可留吗? ­

    我们要顶住来自各方面的压力,多抽出点儿时间常回家看看,多陪老人说说话,老人烦恼时多予以关心和安慰,在外边少吃一顿饭多给老人一点补给……我们做的再好,父母之恩也难报万一,只有看着老人幸福的笑容,才是唯一预防你为此一生悔恨的良药! ­


    现在就扪心自问:我真正用心留意过自己的父母吗? ­

    我等为人子女者应谨记,今天的父母就是自己的未来,及时行孝、莫待明朝、空悲切…… ­

    在我们的生活中、工作中、交朋识友中、吃喝玩乐中、甚至行将闭目之时,我等做子女的都应该做到——拍着自己的良心、挺着胸膛对着自己的子女和亲友说:我无愧于生我、养我、关心和爱护我的父母! ­

    常言道:在家孝父母,何必远烧香——父母才是第一佛!你的孝心一定会感动天地,必将得到更大的福报! ­




You noticed your parents?

Your parents' health?
Your parents mood cheerful?
Your parents feel happiness?
Your parents face often hung out by heart smile?

If your father and mother still alive, whatever you have to come and live with them --
If one day, you find their kitchen are no longer so clean;
If one day, you found the home aren't clean bowl chopsticks like;
If one day, you find mother's pot; no longer discerning
If one day, you find father of plants already gradually desolation;
If one day, you found the home floor often dusty closet;
If one day, you find mother cooked food too salty too difficult to eat;
If one day, you found that parents often forget to turn off the gas or electricity;
If one day, you find some habits old father is no longer habits, like they no longer want to bathe everyday;
If one day, you find parents no longer love green fodder.only crispy fruits and vegetables;
If one day, you find parents love to eat boiled to rags dishes;
If one day, you found that parents like to eat congee;
If one day, you find them across the street action reactions are all dull;
If one day, you discover that they no longer love go out...
If one day, you find at dinner time they always keep coughing, don't mistake they colds or catch a cold, (that's swallowing nerve the phenomenon of ageing);

If there is such a day, as friends I should remind you that you want to alert our parents could really already old, organs have degenerated into we need to take care of......
If you don't have enough time, then you need to ask people to help us care, and please, don't visit slots to often makes the parents feel is redundant, abandoned, don't even let parents sad......

Every one of us will be old, parents just before we old, role exchange, we should be grateful to the heart of care parents, would have patience, won't have the complaint, when parents can't take care of yourself, human children to alert, they may incontinence, may be many things do bad, if room have peculiar smell, may they themselves don't smell, please don't think he dirty or suspicion he smelly, human children can only help him clean, and please maintain their "pride"...

When our parents no longer love bathe, please take time to help them regularly body scrub, because even if they wash your own may also won't wash clean. When we were enjoying the food of time, please give them prepare a proper size, easy to chew a small bowl of, because they do not love to eat may be teeth fixed;
If at that day, our parents really can't move a muscle, all we do role exchange not is also should?

Our parents guardian, once pregnant from October when the birth suffering, parturient your person forgets worry, pharynx pain vomit Kennedy feeding, logistic caress, lactation do wet net wholeheartedly, washing not raising recollecting wading in the journey tough, add sympathized with deep heart, what compassion love cut... Since we were born, we eat, drink, with none of the blood and sweat, parents for our parents nurse diapers, ill sleepless care, teach us life basic ability, supply reading, eat, play and cram in hand held in fall, containing fear fear changed - our mouth with the parents are true and beloved was dear to us, even caress, more than to care for their eyes and body and mind and heart, do not depart from its arc parents care for us to old will not lax, until the termination of preventably life......

ShuYuJingErFengBuZhi, to raise and kiss the son -- everything all can not replaced: lose another career can earn money can again, lost, lost her lover can get, lose children may have; But lost parents will never come again, my generation never left lifelong regret!
If the adoptive parents, not because we filial piety support and understanding and lost everything you feel pity? Into the impiety can may be staying?
We want to resist pressure from all sides, spare a few minutes often home to see, accompany the old man, the old man more than talk about care and comfort, and shall eat less outside a meal give old man little supplies... We do again good, parents of grace to quote in case, only looking at the old man happy smile, is the only for this life of regret to prevent your medicine!

Now just ask yourself: I really attentively noticed their parents?
I should remember that the human children today's parents is his own future, timely shew piety, mo to Ming dynasty, empty grievous...
In our life, work and pay general survivors, friends, even skittles will close, I made children's should do - clap his conscience, stand on his chest of children and relatives say: I is worthy of my birth, feed me, care and love my parents!
As the saying goes: at home, why parents filial parents are the first to burn incense - far Buddha! Your filial piety will move heaven and earth, will have the greater blessing report!


Wish all the parents, have a better senectitude, healthy body, harmonious family, happiness and happiness of life!


