Diary 日记节选
Statistics can measure only so much. To enjoy life's more particular pleasures move to one of these lucky nations.译文:数字能衡量的不过如此,为了享受生活中更独特的快乐你应该前往以下这些幸运的国家。
Best place to fly a kite (最适合放风筝的国家) INDIA 印度
Flying a kite from the roof is part of everyday life in India. Each year on Jan 14 an international kite festival draws more than 1 million enthusiasts from 36 countries. 译文:站在屋顶上放风筝是印度人日常生活的一部分。每年1月 14 日的国际风筝节都会吸引来自36 个国家的超过1 百万名风筝爱好者。
Most gay- friendly (对同性恋者最友好的国家) the Netherlands 荷兰
The Dutch don't talk much about gay rights. Why bother? Same-sex couples won equal rights in 2001. And Amsterdam's annual gay-pride festival is still considered the hottest party on the planet.译文:荷兰人不大谈论同性恋者的权利问题,有什么必要吗?阿姆斯特丹每年举办一次自豪的同伴活动,现在仍是世界最热情洋溢的节日。
Best place to have a baby (最适合生孩子的国家) France 法国
Mama is sitting pretty with as much as seven months' paid leave,low-cost health care and a baby nurse who makes house
calls . If she's sick ,the government sends someone to do the family's laundry. 译文:法国的妈妈们日子过的不错,她们有多达7个月的带薪产假,费用低廉的医疗服务和上门服务的婴儿护士,如果生病的话政府还会派人给她家洗衣服。
Best place to be old (最适合养老的国家) Japan 日本
Japan's elders(who make up of a fifth of the population)don't just enjoy generous pensions the respect of society and
world's longest life expectancy. They also get their own national holiday.Keiro No Hi. 译文: 日本的老年人(占全日本的五分之一)不仅享有丰厚的养老金,社会的尊重和世界最高的预期寿命,他们还有自己的全国性假日--敬老日。
Best place to be surgically enhanced (最适合做整形手术的国家) Brazil 巴西
No other country has so many plastic surgeons per capita,the $15 billion industry draws almost as many tourists as the
beaches .Innovation--friendly regulations give Brazilian surgeons a leg up(鼓励,支持)译文:巴西是世界上人均拥有整形外科医生人数最多的国家,盈利达150亿美元的整形外科行业,对外国游客的吸引力不亚于巴西的海滩。鼓励创新的行业规范助了巴西整形医生一臂之力。
Best place for sex (最适合性爱的国家) Czechs Republic 捷克共和国
According to Durex(杜雷斯)condoms'(避孕套)global sex survey:Czechs have sex as often as the French,they start
their sexual life as early as the Dutch and they fear venereal disease as little as the Italians. 译文:避孕套生产商杜蕾斯的全球“性生活”调查显示:捷克人的做爱频率和法国人一样高,他们首次性生活的年纪和荷兰人一样小,他们对性病的恐惧和意大利人一样少。
Best place to be a dog owner (最适宜养狗的国家) Belgium 比利时
Dogs are more than man's best friens here --they are truly part of the family . They are allowed in grocery stores,restaurant
sporting efents, and musuc festivals.You can even bring Rex on the train. 译文:在这里狗不仅仅是人类的朋友---它们已经真正成为了家庭的一员。杂货店,餐厅,体育比赛和音乐节都允许它们进入。你甚至还可以带你的小宝贝儿上火车。
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the best place for corrupt officials_____China 最适合腐败官员生存的地方——中国